Platform SDK: Transaction Server

ITransactionResourceAsync Interface

This is a callback interface implemented by the resource manager. The transaction manager invokes this callback interface to deliver phase-one and phase-two notifications to the resource manager. The communication protocol is asynchronous. The resource manager should immediately reply to the callback to acknowledge its receipt. Only then should the resource manager do the work to prepare, commit, or abort the transaction.

Implemented by: Resource manager
Object An object implemented by the resource manager
Interface Source N/A
Called by: MS DTC proxy

interface ITransactionResourceAsync : IUnknown 
HRESULT PrepareRequest (
    [in]  BOOL  fRetaining,
    [in]  DWORD grfRM,
    [in]  BOOL  fWantMoniker,
    [in]  BOOL  fSinglePhase);

HRESULT CommitRequest (
    [in]  DWORD     grfRM,
    [in]  XACTUOW * pNewUOW);

HRESULT AbortRequest (
    [in]  BOID *    pboidReason,
    [in]  BOOL      fRetaining,
    [in]  XACTUOW * pNewUOW);
