Platform SDK: Transaction Server

ITransactionVoterFactory Interface

The interface contains a single method that is used to create a new transaction voter object. The transaction voter object implements the ITransactionVoterBallotAsync interface. This interface is exported as a sink to the transaction voter for vetoing distributed transaction commitment.

Implemented by: MS DTC proxy
Object MS DTC proxy core object
Interface Source Call QueryInterface on any interface on the MS DTC proxy core object with a riid of IID_ITransactionVoterFactory
Called by: Transaction voter application

interface ITransactionVoterFactory : IUnknown
HRESULT Create (
    [in]  ITransaction * pTransaction,
    [in]  ITransactionVoterNotifyAsync * pITransactionVoterNotify,
    [out] ITransactionVoterBallotAsync ** ppITransactionVoterBallot);