Platform SDK: Transaction Server

ITransaction Interface

The ITransaction interface is used to commit and abort transactions and to obtain status information about transactions.

Implemented by: MS DTC proxy
Object Transaction object
Interface Source Returned by the ITransactionDispenser::BeginTransaction method or the ITransactionImport::Import method
Called by: Application programs and resource managers that commit and abort transactions

interface ITransaction : IUnknown 
HRESULT Commit (
    [in]  BOOL  fRetaining, 
    [in]  DWORD grfTC, 
    [in]  DWORD grfRM);

    [in]  BOID * pboidReason, 
    [in]  BOOL   fRetaining, 
    [in]  BOOL   fAsync);

HRESULT GetTransactionInfo (
    [out]  XACTTRANSINFO * pinfo);