Platform SDK: Transaction Server

ITransactionImport Interface

The resource manager uses this interface to transform an imported transaction cookie into a transaction object. The resource manager calls this interface and passes an opaque marshaled form of the transaction object called a transaction cookie. The resource manager is returned a transaction object. This is referred to as importing the transaction. After importing the transaction, the resource manager uses the IResourceManager::Enlist method to enlist in the transaction.

Implemented by: MS DTC proxy
Object MS DTC proxy core object
Interface Source Call QueryInterface on any interface on the MS DTC proxy core object with a riid of IID_ITransactionImport
Called by: Resource manager

interface  ITransactionImport : IUnknown
    [in]  ULONG   cbTransactionCookie,
    [in]  BYTE *  rgbTransactionCookie,
    [in]  IID *   piid,
    [out] void ** ppvTransaction);