Platform SDK: Transaction Server

Life of a Transaction: Creating an Export Object II (Phases)

g7.1 The RM proxy invokes the ITransaction::QueryInterface method on the transaction object to obtain the IGetDispenser interface.
g7.2 The RM proxy invokes the IGetDispenser::GetDispenser method to obtain the ITransactionExportFactory interface.
g7.3 The RM proxy invokes the ITransactionExportFactory::Create method to create the export object. The RM proxy passes the whereabouts it received from its resource manager in the "Return Whereabouts" message.
g8 The MS DTC proxy sends the whereabouts to the client’s transaction manager.
g9 The client’s transaction manager stores the whereabouts in the transaction manager’s internal export object. The client’s transaction manager then replies to the client’s MS DTC proxy.
g10 The MS DTC proxy creates an export object and returns a pointer to the ITransactionExport interface of the export object to the RM proxy.