Platform SDK: Transaction Server

Participants in OLE Transactions

The following are participants in an OLE transaction:

Most resource managers include application programming interfaces that application programs may invoke to perform resource manage functions. The application programming interfaces are customarily packaged as dynamic link library routines. We refer to this collection of interfaces as the resource manager proxy.

A subsystem that implements a transaction-protected resource. The resource manager typically provides services to application programs or other resource managers. Examples of such resource managers include: relational databases, object-oriented databases, file systems, document storage systems, and message queues.

The MS DTC proxy contains the methods that application programs and resource managers invoke to participate in MS DTC transactions. The MS DTC proxy is a set of dynamic link libraries provided as a part of MS DTC. The MS DTC proxy library is present on each Windows NT system containing a resource manager and each Windows NT or Windows '95 system containing an application program that initiates an MS DTC transaction.

The MS DTC transaction manager is the process responsible for coordinating MS DTC transactions. One MS DTC transaction manager process is present on each Windows NT system containing a resource manager. Each MS DTC transaction manager maintains an MS DTC log file on its local system. The log file records the outcome of all transactions in which the MS DTC transaction manager participates.

The following figures illustrate three types of OLE transactions: