
Specifies the number of times the user tried to log on to the account using an incorrect password.

Attribute propertyValueDescription
adminDisplayNameBad-Pwd-Count Display name of this object for use in directory service administrative tools.
adminDescriptionBad-Pwd-Count Description of this object for use in directory service administrative tools.
cnBad-Pwd-Count Common name.
lDAPDisplayNamebadPwdCount The name used by LDAP clients to refer to the object's class.
attributeID1.2.840.113556.1.4.12 A unique OID that identifies the attribute.
objectClassAttribute-SchemaThe class of which this object is an instance.
objectCategoryAttribute-SchemaReference to an object class or one of its superclasses, which is used when searching for this object.
schemaIDGUID{BF96792E-0DE6-11D0-A285-00AA003049E2} A GUID that uniquely identifies this object. You can use this string value in an ACE to control access to objects of this object.
attributeSyntax2.5.5.9 An OID of a syntax. The combination of the attributeSyntax and oMSyntax properties determines the syntax of an attribute.
oMSyntax2 Syntax of this attribute as defined by the XAPIA XOM (X/Open Object Model) specification.
isSingleValuedTRUE TRUE means that the attribute has a single value, FALSE means that the attribute can have multiple values.
attributeSecurityGUID{5F202010-79A5-11D0-9020-00C04FC2D4CF} An optional GUID that identifies the attribute as a member of an attribute set(also known as a property set).
showInAdvancedViewOnlyTRUE TRUE means that the object will apear in the Advanced View of the Users and Computers snap-in only, but not in the Windows shell.
FALSE means that the object will appear in Normal view of the Users and Computers snap-in and the Windows shell.
systemFlags17 An integer value that contains flags that define additional properties of this object. Category 1 classes or attributes have the 0x10 bit set by the system and cannot be set by users. They are shipped with Active Directory. For more information, see ADS_SYSETMFLAG_ENUM enumeration in ADSI Reference.
systemOnlyFALSE TRUE means that only Active Directory can modify the class of this object. FALSE means users can make the modification as well.

RemarksThis property is maintained separately on each domain controller in the domain. A value of 0 indicates that the value is unknown. To get an accurate value for the user's total bad password attempts in the domain, each domain controller in the domain must be queried and the sum of the values should be used.