
Attribute propertyValueDescription
adminDisplayNameMSMQ-Nt4-Flags Display name of this object for use in directory service administrative tools.
adminDescriptionMSMQ-Nt4-Flags Description of this object for use in directory service administrative tools.
cnMSMQ-Nt4-Flags Common name.
lDAPDisplayNamemSMQNt4Flags The name used by LDAP clients to refer to the object's class.
attributeID1.2.840.113556.1.4.964 A unique OID that identifies the attribute.
objectClassAttribute-SchemaThe class of which this object is an instance.
objectCategoryAttribute-SchemaReference to an object class or one of its superclasses, which is used when searching for this object.
schemaIDGUID{EB38A158-D57F-11D1-90A2-00C04FD91AB1} A GUID that uniquely identifies this object. You can use this string value in an ACE to control access to objects of this object.
attributeSyntax2.5.5.9 An OID of a syntax. The combination of the attributeSyntax and oMSyntax properties determines the syntax of an attribute.
oMSyntax2 Syntax of this attribute as defined by the XAPIA XOM (X/Open Object Model) specification.
isSingleValuedTRUE TRUE means that the attribute has a single value, FALSE means that the attribute can have multiple values.
attributeSecurityGUID-- not set -- An optional GUID that identifies the attribute as a member of an attribute set(also known as a property set).
showInAdvancedViewOnlyTRUE TRUE means that the object will apear in the Advanced View of the Users and Computers snap-in only, but not in the Windows shell.
FALSE means that the object will appear in Normal view of the Users and Computers snap-in and the Windows shell.
systemFlags16 An integer value that contains flags that define additional properties of this object. Category 1 classes or attributes have the 0x10 bit set by the system and cannot be set by users. They are shipped with Active Directory. For more information, see ADS_SYSETMFLAG_ENUM enumeration in ADSI Reference.
systemOnlyFALSE TRUE means that only Active Directory can modify the class of this object. FALSE means users can make the modification as well.