
The Object(DN-String) is an Octetstring containing a string value and a distinguished name(DN).

Syntax propertyValueDescription
attributeSyntax2.5.5.14 An OID of a syntax. The combination of the attributeSyntax and oMSyntax properties determines the syntax of an attribute.
oMSyntax127 Syntax of this attribute as defined by the XAPIA XOM (X/Open Object Model) specification.
An octet string that must be specified for attributes whose oMSyntax property value is 127. Usually, there is a one-to-one mapping between the attributeSyntax and the oMObject class.
Attributes of this syntax

RemarksActive Directory keeps the DN up-to-date. DNWithString has the following format: S:CharCount:StringValue:ObjectDN, where CharCount is the count of characters in StringValue, a stored string value. ObjectDN is the distinguished name of an object referenced by this attribute. Active Directory maintains the ObjecDN portion to hold the current DN of the object originally specified when the value was created.