Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services

User Interface Object Flags

Directory services user interfaces define and use the following flags.

Constant Value Description
CFSTR_DS_DISPLAY_SPEC_OPTIONS "DsDisplaySpecOptions" A string version of a clipboard format, delclared in dsclient.h.
CFSTR_DSDISPLAYSPECOPTIONS CFSTR_DS_DISPLAY_SPEC_OPTIONS A string version of a clipboard format, delclared in dsclient.h.
CFSTR_DSOBJECTNAMES "DsObjectNames" A string version of a clipboard format, delclared in dsclient.h.
CFSTR_DSPROPERTYPAGEINFO "DsPropPageInfo" A string version of a clipboard format, delclared in dsclient.h.
CFSTR_DSQUERYPARAMS "DsQueryParameters" A string version of a clipboard format for the query parameters, declared in dsquery.h.
CFSTR_DSQUERYSCOPE "DsQueryScope" A string version of a clipboard format for the query scope, declared in dsquery.h.
CQFF_ISOPTIONAL 0x00000002 Form is hidden unless optional forms are requested, declared in cmnquery.h.
CQFF_NOGLOBALPAGES 0x00000001 Global pages are not added, declared in cmnquery.h.
DBDTF_RETURNEXTERNAL 0x00000004 For external trust domains, declared in dsclient.h.
DBDTF_RETURNFQDN 0x00000001 If not set, pszNCName will be blank. Declared in dsclient.h.
DBDTF_RETURNINBOUND 0x00000008 For trusting domains, declared in dsclient.h.
DBDTF_RETURNINOUTBOUND 0x00000010 For trusted and trusting domains, declared in dsclient.h.
DBDTF_RETURNMIXEDDOMAINS 0x00000002 For down-level trust domains, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBF_DISPLAYNAME 0x00000004 Display name is valid or needed, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBF_ICONLOCATION 0x00000002 Icon information is needed, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBF_STATE 0x00000001 State information is needed or valid, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_CHECKBOXES 0x00000100 TVS_CHECKBOXES, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_ENTIREDIRECTORY 0x00090000 Browse the entire directory, used in DSBROWSEINFO, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_EXPANDONOPEN 0x00040000 Expand to the path specified in pszPath when opening dialog, used in DSBROWSEINFO, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_HASCREDENTIALS 0x00200000 The pUserName and pPassword fields are valid. U, used in DSBROWSEINFO, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_IGNORETREATASLEAF 0x00400000 Ignore the treatAsLeaf attribute when calling IDsDisplaySpecifier::IsClassContainer. U, used in DSBROWSEINFO, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_INCLUDEHIDDEN 0x00020000 Display hidden objects, used in DSBROWSEINFO., declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_NOBUTTONS 0x00000001 Not TVS_HASBUTTONS. , Uused in DSBROSWSEINFO, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_NOLINES 0x00000002 Not TVB_HASLINES, Uused in DSBROWSEINFO, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_NOLINESATROOT 0x00000004 Not RTV_LINESATROOT, . Uused in DSBROWSEINFO, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_NOROOT 0x00010000 Does not include pszRoot in tree, its children become top level nodes. U, used in DSBROWSEINFO, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_RETURN_FORMAT 0x00100000 The dwReturnFormat field is valid. U, used in DSBROWSEINFO, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_RETURNOBJECTCLASS 0x01000000 Return object class of the selected object, used in DSBROWSEINFO, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBI_SIMPLEAUTHENTICATE 0x00800000 Do not use secure authentication to directory servicesDS, used in DSBROWSEINFO, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBID_BANNER 256 Banner displayed above the tree view, used by the callback function to modify the contents of the dialog as required, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBID_CONTAINERLIST 257 Tree view contains a list of containers, used by the callback function to modify the contents of the dialog as required, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBS_CHECKED 0x00000001 Item is checked. This flag is not currently supported, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBS_HIDDEN 0x00000002 Item should be hidden, declared in dsclient.h.
DSBS_ROOT 0x00000004 Item is the root, declared in dsclient.h.
DSCCIF_HASWIZARDDIALOG 0x00000001 Returns the wizard dialog CLSID, used in IDsDisplaySpecifier::GetClassCreationInfo, declared in dsclient.h.
DSCCIF_HASWIZARDPRIMARYPAGE 0x00000002 Returns a primary wizard dialog CLSID, used in IDsDisplaySpecifier::GetClassCreationInfo, declared in dsclient.h.
DSCOLUMNPROP_ADSPATH (LONG)(-1) Ddeclared in dsquery.h.
DSCOLUMNPROP_OBJECTCLASS (LONG)(-1) Ddeclared in dsquery.h.
DSDSOF_DSAVAILABLE 0x40000000 Ignore checking if directory service is available. Declared in dsclient.h.
DSDSOF_HASUSERANDSERVERINFO 0x00000001 User name and password are valid, declared in dsclient.h.
DSDSOF_SIMPLEAUTHENTICATE 0x00000002 Do not use secure authentication. Declared in dsclient.h.
DSECAF_NOTLISTED 0x00000001 Hide from the field drop down in the query user interface, used by the callback function in IDsDisplaySpecifier::EnumAttributes, declared in dsclient.h.
DSGIF_DEFAULTCONTAINER 0x00000020 Return a default icon as a container. It is used by IDsDisplaySepcifier::GetIcon, declared in dsclient.h.
DSGIF_GETDEFAULTICON 0x00000010 If no icon, get the default icon from Shell32.dll. It is used by IDsDisplaySepecifier::GetIcon, declared in dsclient.h.
DSGIF_ISDISABLED 0x00000002 Icon is in a disabled state. It is used by IDsDisplaySepecifier::GetIcon, declared in dsclient.h.
DSGIF_ISMASK 0x0000000F It is used by IDsDisplaySepecifier::GetIcon, declared in dsclient.h.
DSGIF_ISNORMAL 0x00000000 Icon is in a normal state. This is the default. It is used by IDsDisplaySepecifier::GetIcon, declared in dsclient.h.
DSGIF_ISOPEN 0x00000001 Icon is in an open state. It is used by IDsDisplaySepecifier::GetIcon, declared in dsclient.h.
DSICCF_IGNORETREATASLEAF 0x00000001 Ignore the treatAsLeaf attribute of a dDisplay sSpecifier and use the schema information only. It is used in IADsDisplaySpecifier::IsClassContainer, declared in dsclient.h.
DSOBJECT_ISCONTAINER 0x1 Object is a container, declared in dsclient.h.
DSOBJECT_READONLYPAGES 0x80000000 Read-only pages, declared in dsclient.h.
DSPROVIDER_ADVANCED 0x00000010 Advanced mode, declared in dsclient.h.
DSPROVIDER_UNUSED_0 0x00000001 Declared in dsclient.h.
DSPROVIDER_UNUSED_1 0x00000002 Declared in dsclient.h.
DSPROVIDER_UNUSED_2 0x00000004 Declared in dsclient.h.
DSPROVIDER_UNUSED_3 0x00000008 Declared in dsclient.h.
DSQPF_ENABLEADMINFEATURES 0x00000008 Show admin verbs, property pages, and so onetc, declared in dsquery.h.
DSQPF_ENABLEADVANCEDFEATURES 0x00000010 Set advanced flag for the property pages, declared in dsquery.h.
DSQPF_HASCREDENTIALS 0x00000020 Server name and user credentials are valid, declared in dsquery.h.
DSQPF_NOSAVE 0x00000001 Remove save verb, declared in dsquery.h.
DSQPF_SAVELOCATION 0x00000002 pSaveLocation contains the directory path for saving queries, declared in dsquery.h.
DSQPF_SHOWHIDDENOBJECTS 0x00000004 Show objects marked as Hidden in results, declared in dsquery.h.
DSSSF_DSAVAILABLE 0x80000000 Ignore checking if directory serviceDS is available, used in IDsDisplaySpecifier::SetServer, declared in dsclient.h.
DSSSF_SIMPLEAUTHENTICATE 0x00000001 Do not use secure authentication, used in IDsDisplaySpecifier::SetServer, declared in dsclient.h.
OQWF_DEFAULTFORM 0x00000002 clsidDefaultQueryForm is valid, declared in cmnquery.h.
OQWF_HIDEMENUS 0x00000400 No menu bar is displayed, declared in cmnquery.h.
OQWF_HIDESEARCHUI 0x00000800 The dialog is filtered, therefore start, stop, new search, and so on, declared in cmnquery.h.
OQWF_ISSUEONOPEN 0x00000040 Issue query on opening the dialog, declared in cmnquery.h.
OQWF_LOADQUERY 0x00000008 Use the IPersistQuery to load the given query, declared in cmnquery.h.
OQWF_OKCANCEL 0x00000001 Provide OK/Cancel buttons, declared in cmnquery.h.
OQWF_PARAMISPROPERTYBAG 0x80000000 The form that parameters ptr is an IPropertyBag (ppbFormParameters), declared in cmnquery.h.
OQWF_REMOVEFORMS 0x00000020 Remove form picker from dialog, declared in cmnquery.h.
OQWF_REMOVESCOPES 0x00000010 Remove scope picker from dialog, declared in cmnquery.h.
OQWF_SAVEQUERYONOK 0x00000200 Use the IPersistQuery interface to write the query before closing the application, declared in cmnquery.h.
OQWF_SHOWOPTIONAL 0x00000080 List optional forms by default, declared in cmnquery.h.
OQWF_SINGLESELECT 0x00000004 View to have a single selection (depending on the viewer), declared in cmnquery.h.
QUERYFORM_CHANGESFORMLIST 0x00000001 A flag to change form list in a form object, declared in cmnquery.h.
QUERYFORM_CHANGESOPTFORMLIST 0x00000002 A flag to change optional form list in a form object, declared in cmnquery.h.