Active Directory Logging and Recovery Errors
- hrLogFileCorrupt
- The log file is damaged.
- hrNoBackupDirectory
- No backup directory was given.
- hrBackupDirectoryNotEmpty
- The backup directory is not empty.
- hrBackupInProgress
- Backup is already active.
- hrMissingPreviousLogFile
- A log file for the checkpoint is missing.
- hrLogWriteFail
- Unable to write to the log file.
- hrBadLogVersion
- The version of the log file is not compatible with the version of the Windows NT/Windows 2000 Directory Service database (NTDS).
- hrInvalidLogSequence
- The time stamp in the next log does not match what was expected.
- hrLoggingDisabled
- The log is not active.
- hrLogBufferTooSmall
- The log buffer is too small to be recovered.
- hrLogSequenceEnd
- The maximum number of log files has been exceeded.
- hrNoBackup
- There is no backup in progress.
- hrInvalidBackupSequence
- The backup call is out of sequence.
- hrBackupNotAllowedYet
- Unable to perform a backup now.
- hrDeleteBackupFileFail
- Unable to delete the backup file.
- hrMakeBackupDirectoryFail
- Unable to make a backup temporary directory.
- hrInvalidBackup
- An incremental backup cannot be performed when circular logging is enabled.
- hrRecoveredWithErrors
- Errors were encountered during the repair process.
- hrMissingLogFile
- The current log file is missing.
- hrLogDiskFull
- The log disk is full.
- hrBadLogSignature
- A log file is damaged.
- hrBadDbSignature
- A database file is damaged.
- hrBadCheckpointSignature
- A checkpoint file is damaged.
- hrCheckpointCorrupt
- A checkpoint file either could not be found or is damaged.
- hrDatabaseInconsistent
- The database is damaged.
- hrConsistentTimeMismatch
- There is a mismatch in the database's last consistent time.
- hrPatchFileMismatch
- The patch file is not generated from this backup.
- hrRestoreLogTooLow
- The starting log number is too low for the restore.
- hrRestoreLogTooHigh
- The starting log number is too high for the restore.
- hrGivenLogFileHasBadSignature
- The log file downloaded from the tape is damaged.
- hrGivenLogFileIsNotContiguous
- Unable to find a mandatory log file after the tape was downloaded.
- hrMissingRestoreLogFiles
- The data is not fully restored because some log files are missing.
- hrExistingLogFileHasBadSignature
- The log file in the log file path is damaged.
- hrExistingLogFileIsNotContiguous
- Unable to find a mandatory log file in the log file path.
- hrMissingFullBackup
- The database missed a previous full backup before the incremental backup.
- hrBadBackupDatabaseSize
- The backup database size must be a multiple of 4K (4096 bytes).
- hrTermInProgress
- The database is being shut down.
- hrFeatureNotAvailable
- The feature is not available.
- hrInvalidName
- The name is not valid.
- hrInvalidParameter
- The parameter is not valid.
- hrColumnNull
- The value of the column is null.
- hrBufferTruncated
- The buffer is too small for data.
- hrDatabaseAttached
- The database is already attached.
- hrInvalidDatabaseId
- The database ID is not valid.
- hrOutOfMemory
- The computer is out of memory.
- hrOutOfDatabaseSpace
- The database has reached the maximum size of 16 GB.
- hrOutOfCursors
- Out of table cursors.
- hrOutOfBuffers
- Out of database page buffers.
- hrTooManyIndexes
- There are too many indexes.
- hrTooManyKeys
- There are too many columns in an index.
- hrRecordDeleted
- The record has been deleted.
- hrReadVerifyFailure
- A read verification error occurred.
- hrOutOfFileHandles
- Out of file handles.
- hrDiskIO
- A disk I/O error occurred.
- hrInvalidPath
- The path to the file is not valid.
- hrRecordTooBig
- The record has exceeded the maximum size.
- hrTooManyOpenDatabases
- There are too many open databases.
- hrInvalidDatabase
- The file is not a database file.
- hrNotInitialized
- The database was not yet called.
- hrAlreadyInitialized
- The database was already called.
- hrFileAccessDenied
- Unable to access the file.
- hrBufferTooSmall
- The buffer is too small.
- hrSeekNotEqual
- Either SeekLE or SeekGE did not find an exact match.
- hrTooManyColumns
- There are too many columns defined.
- hrContainerNotEmpty
- The container is not empty.
- hrInvalidFilename
- The filename is not valid.
- hrInvalidBookmark
- The bookmark is not valid.
- hrColumnInUse
- The column is used in an index.
- hrInvalidBufferSize
- The data buffer does not match the column size.
- hrColumnNotUpdatable
- Unable to set the column value.
- hrIndexInUse
- The index is in use.
- hrNullKeyDisallowed
- Null keys are not allowed on an index.
- hrNotInTransaction
- The operation must be within a transaction.
- hrNoIdleActivity
- No idle activity occurred.
- hrTooManyActiveUsers
- There are too many active database users.
- hrInvalidCountry
- The country code is either not known or is not valid.
- hrInvalidLanguageId
- The language ID is either not known or is not valid.
- hrInvalidCodePage
- The code page is either not known or is not valid.
- hrNoWriteLock
- There is no write lock at transaction level 0.
- hrColumnSetNull
- The column value is set to null.
- hrVersionStoreOutOfMemory
- The lMaxVerPages exceeded (XJET only).
- hrCurrencyStackOutOfMemory
- Out of cursors.
- hrOutOfSessions
- Out of sessions.
- hrWriteConflict
- The write lock failed due to an outstanding write lock.
- hrTransTooDeep
- The transactions are nested too deeply.
- hrInvalidSesid
- The session handle is not valid.
- hrSessionWriteConflict
- Another session has a private version of the page.
- hrInTransaction
- The operation is not allowed within a transaction.
- hrDatabaseDuplicate
- The database already exists.
- hrDatabaseInUse
- The database is in use.
- hrDatabaseNotFound
- The database does not exist.
- hrDatabaseInvalidName
- The database name is not valid.
- hrDatabaseInvalidPages
- The number of pages is not valid.
- hrDatabaseCorrupted
- The database file is either damaged or cannot be found.
- hrDatabaseLocked
- The database is locked.
- hrTableEmpty
- An empty table was opened.
- hrTableLocked
- The table is locked.
- hrTableDuplicate
- The table already exists.
- hrTableInUse
- Unable to lock the table because it is already in use.
- hrObjectNotFound
- The table or object does not exist.
- hrCannotRename
- Unable to rename the temporary file.
- hrDensityInvalid
- The file/index density is not valid.
- hrTableNotEmpty
- Unable to define the clustered index.
- hrInvalidTableId
- The table ID is not valid.
- hrTooManyOpenTables
- Unable to open any more tables.
- hrIllegalOperation
- The operation is not supported on tables.
- hrObjectDuplicate
- The table or object name is already being used.
- hrInvalidObject
- The object is not valid for operation.
- hrIndexCantBuild
- Unable to build a clustered index.
- hrIndexHasPrimary
- The primary index is already defined.
- hrIndexDuplicate
- The index is already defined.
- hrIndexNotFound
- The index does not exist.
- hrIndexMustStay
- Unable to delete a clustered index.
- hrIndexInvalidDef
- The index definition is illegal.
- hrIndexHasClustered
- The clustered index is already defined.
- hrCreateIndexFailed
- Unable to create the index because an error occurred while creating a table.
- hrTooManyOpenIndexes
- Out of index description blocks.
- hrColumnLong
- The column value is too long.
- hrColumnDoesNotFit
- The field will not fit in the record.
- hrNullInvalid
- The value cannot be null.
- hrColumnIndexed
- Unable to delete because the column is indexed.
- hrColumnTooBig
- The length of the field exceeds the maximum length of 255 bytes.
- hrColumnNotFound
- Unable to find the column.
- hrColumnDuplicate
- The field is already defined.
- hrColumn2ndSysMaint
- Only one auto-increment or version column is allowed per table.
- hrInvalidColumnType
- The column data type is not valid.
- hrColumnMaxTruncated
- The column was truncated because it exceeded the maximum length of 255 bytes.
- hrColumnCannotIndex
- Unable to index a long value column.
- hrTaggedNotNULL
- Tagged columns cannot be null.
- hrNoCurrentIndex
- The entry is not valid without a current index.
- hrKeyIsMade
- The key is completely made.
- hrBadColumnId
- The column ID is not correct.
- hrBadItagSequence
- There is a bad instance identifier for a multivalued column.
- hrCannotBeTagged
- AutoIncrement and Version cannot be multivalued.
- hrRecordNotFound
- Unable to find the key.
- hrNoCurrentRecord
- The currency is not on a record.
- hrRecordClusteredChanged
- A clustered key cannot be changed.
- hrKeyDuplicate
- The key already exists.
- hrAlreadyPrepared
- The current entry has already been copied or cleared.
- hrKeyNotMade
- No key was made.
- hrUpdateNotPrepared
- Update was not prepared.
- hrwrnDataHasChanged
- Data has changed.
- hrerrDataHasChanged
- The operation was abandoned because data has changed.
- hrKeyChanged
- Moved to a new key.
- hrTooManySorts
- There are too many sort processes.
- hrInvalidOnSort
- An operation that is not valid occurred in the sort.
- hrTempFileOpenError
- Unable to open the temporary file.
- hrTooManyAttachedDatabases
- There are too many databases open.
- hrDiskFull
- The disk is full.
- hrPermissionDenied
- Permission is denied.
- hrFileNotFound
- Unable to find the file.
- hrFileOpenReadOnly
- The database file is read only.
- hrAfterInitialization
- Unable to restore after initialization.
- hrLogCorrupted
- The database log files are damaged.
- hrInvalidOperation
- The operation is not valid.
- hrAccessDenied
- Access is denied.
See Also
Success, Active Directory Backup Errors, Active Directory System Errors, Directory Manager Errors, Active Directory Return Values