Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services


The DsReplicaDel function removes a replication source reference from a destination naming context (NC).

DWORD DsReplicaDel(
  LPCTSTR NameContext,
  ULONG Options


[in] Bind handle to the directory service.
[in] Pointer to a constant null-terminated Unicode string specifying the distinguished name (DN) of the destination NC from which to remove the replica. The destination NC record must exist locally as either an object (instantiated or not) or a reference phantom (for example, a phantom with a GUID).
[in] Pointer to a constant null-terminated Unicode string specifying the transport-specific address of the source directory system agent (DSA). This source server is identified by a string name, not by its UUID. A string name appropriate for DsaSrc will usually be a domain name service (DNS) name that is based on a GUID, where the GUID part of the name is the GUID of the NTDSDSA object for the source server.
[in] Passes additional information to be used to process the request. This parameter can be a combination of the following values.
Value Meaning
DS_REPDEL_ASYNCHRONOUS_OPERATION Performs this operation asynchronously.
DS_REPDEL_IGNORE_ERRORS Ignores any error generated from contacting the source to tell it to remove this NC from its list of servers to which it replicates.
DS_REPDEL_INTERSITE_MESSAGING Signifies the replica is mail-based rather than synchronized using native directory service RPC.
DS_REPDEL_LOCAL_ONLY Does not contact the source to tell it to remove this NC from its list of servers to which it replicates. If this flag is not set and the link is based in RPC, the source will be contacted.
DS_REPDEL_NO_SOURCE Deletes all the objects in the NC. This option is only valid for read-only NCs with no source.
DS_REPDEL_REF_OK Allows deletion of a read-only replica even if it sources other read-only replicas.
DS_REPDEL_WRITEABLE Signifies the replica being deleted is writeable.

Return Values

If the function performs its operation successfully, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the return value is a standard Win32 API error or ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if a parameter is incorrect.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Header: Declared in Ntdsapi.h.
  Library: Included as a resource in Ntdsapi.dll.
  Unicode: Implemented as Unicode and ANSI versions on Windows 2000.

See Also

DC and Replication Management Functions, DsReplicaAdd, DsReplicaModify, DsReplicaSync, DsReplicaSyncAll, DsReplicaUpdateRefs