Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services


The IDsAdminNewObjExt interface is used to implement primary and secondary wizard extensions for the creation of Active Directory™ objects.

When to Implement

Implement the IDsAdminNewObjExt interface if you want to supply a creation wizard to an Active Directory object that does not already have a creation wizard (primary extension), or to provide additional wizard pages to an Active Directory object that already has a creation wizard (secondary extensions).

When to Use

The system will create an instance of the COM object that implements IDsAdminNewObjExt

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments reference count.
Release Decrements reference count.

IDsAdminNewObjExt Methods

Method Description
Initialize Initializes the interface with information about the container where the object will be created, the class of the object to be created, the IDsAdminNewObj interface pointer, the wizard information structure and, possibly, the copy source.
AddPages Notification to add the wizard pages using the supplied function.
SetObject Supplies the IADs interface pointer for the temporary Active Directory object.
WriteData Writes the data from the wizard page to the temporary Active Directory object.
OnError Notification that an error occurred.
GetSummaryInfo Supplies a string to be used for the summary page of the wizard.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Header: Declared in Dsadmin.h.

See Also

Active Directory Admin Interfaces, IDsAdminCreateObj, IDsAdminNewObj, IDsAdminNewObjPrimarySite