Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services

Removing Groups

Removing groups, like creating them, is performed from the group's parent object. Use the Delete method to remove groups, passing the class "group" and the name of the group to remove:

myComputer.Delete "group", myGroup.Name

Unlike creating a group, removing groups does not require a call to SetInfo. Once the Delete method is called successfully, the group is gone. In production code, make sure to enumerate the group's Members property to check if there are still any users in the group before deleting it:

For Each user In myGroup.Members
    numUsers = numUsers + 1
If numUsers > 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "This group still has users in it."
End If

The following code removes the group "KillMe" from a local machine:

Dim myComputer
Dim myTarget

Set myComputer = GetObject("WinNT://mymachine")

myComputer.Delete "group", "KillMe"

Remember, this example blindly deletes a group without worrying about its potential contents; safer code would include some user interaction to insure that nothing is deleted by accident.