Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services

Domain Controller and Replication Management Structures

The domain controller and replication management functions use the following structures.

Structure Description
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_1 Contains information about a domain controller, as determined by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function.
DS_NAME_RESULT A collection of DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEM structures.
DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEM Describes an object name converted with the DsCrackNames function.
DS_REPSYNCALL_ERRINFO Contains non-fatal errors generated by the DsReplicaSyncAll function.
DS_REPSYNCALL_SYNC Identifies a single replication operation performed between a source and a destination server by the DsReplicaSyncAll function.
DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE Contains information about the status of the replication performed by the DsReplicaSyncAll function.
DS_SCHEMA_GUID_MAP Contains object names converted from GUIDs by the DsMapSchemaGuids function.

See Also

Active Directory Display Structures, Active Directory Structures, Directory Backup Structures, Directory Service Structures, Object Picker Dialog Box Structures