Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services


The ADsEnumerateNext function walks through a specified number of elements from the current cursor position of the enumerator. When the operation succeeds, the function returns the enumerated set of elements in a variant array. The number of returned elements can be smaller than the specified number.

HRESULT ADsEnumerateNext(
  IEnumVARIANT *pEnumVariant, 
  ULONG cElements, 
  VARIANT FAR *pvar, 
  ULONG FAR *pcElementsFetched 


[in] Pointer to the IEnumVARIANT interface on the enumerator object.
[in] Number of elements requested.
[in] Pointer to the array of elements retrieved.
[out] Actual number of elements retrieved, which can be smaller than the number of elements requested.

Return Values

This method supports the standard return values, as well as the following:

The variant array has been populated successfully and the number of items returned is the same as those requested (cElement = *pcElementFetched).
The call succeeded, but the number of items returned is less than those requested.

For other return values, see ADSI Error Codes.


The general procedure to enumerate objects in a container involves the following:

  1. Calling ADsBuildEnumerator to create an enumerator object.
  2. Performing enumeration by calling ADsEnumerateNext on the newly created enumerator.
  3. Freeing the enumerator by using ADsFreeEnumerator.

For more information and a code example, see the ADsBuildEnumerator topic.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 (or Windows NT 4.0 with DSClient).
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later (with DSClient).
  Header: Declared in Adshlp.h.
  Library: Included as a resource in ActiveDs.dll.

See Also

ADSI Error Codes, ADSI Functions, ADsBuildEnumerator, ADsFreeEnumerator, FreeADsMem, IEnumVARIANT