Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services

ADSI Structures

Active Directory™ Service Interfaces (ADSI) define and use the following structures.

Structure Description
ADS_ATTR_DEF Describes a set of attribute definitions of an attributeSchema object.
ADS_ATTR_INFO Holds the value of a named attribute and specifies operations to modify the attribute.
ADS_BACKLINK Represents an ADSI representation of the Back Link attribute used in NDS.
ADS_CASEIGNORE_LIST Represents an ADSI representation of the Case Ignore List attribute.
ADS_CLASS_DEF Describes schema information for an object.
ADS_DN_WITH_BINARY An ADSI-defined structure that maps a distinguished name to the GUID of an object.
ADS_DN_WITH_STRING An ADSI-defined that maps a distinguished name of an object to a non varying string value.
ADS_EMAIL Represents an ADSI representation of the EMail attribute used in NDS.
ADS_FAXNUMBER Represents an ADSI representation of the Facsimile Telephone Number attribute used in NDS.
ADS_HOLD Represents an ADSI representation of the Hold attribute used in NDS.
ADS_NETADDRESS Represents an ADSI representation of the Net Address attribute used in NDS.
ADS_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR Describes a security descriptor of Windows NT®/Windows® 2000.
ADS_OBJECT_INFO Describes information about a directory service object.
ADS_OCTET_LIST Represents an ADSI representation of the Octet List attribute.
ADS_OCTET_STRING Represents an ADSI representation of the Octet String attribute.
ADS_PATH Represents an ADSI representation of the Path attribute used in NDS.
ADS_POSTALADDRESS Represents an ADSI representation of the Postal Address attribute used in NDS.
ADS_PROV_SPECIFIC Describes a provider-specific data type.
ADS_REPLICAPOINTER Represents an ADSI representation of the Replica Pointer attribute used in NDS.
ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN Represents a column that is the result of a directory search/query.
ADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO Describes query preferences.
ADS_SORTKEY Describes the sort key used for sorting a query.
ADS_TIMESTAMP Represents an ADSI representation of the Timestamp attribute used in NDS.
ADS_TYPEDNAME Represents an ADSI representation of the Typed Name attribute used in NDS.
ADSVALUE Describes the value of an ADSI data type.