Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services

WinNT Object Class Hierarchy

The WinNT object class hierarchy starts from the Namespace object.

Object Class Description
Namespace Top-level object container.
    Domain The Windows NT domain.
        User User account.
        Group Group account for managing access rights.
            UserGroupCollection A set of user groups implementing IADsMember.
            GroupCollection A set of other groups implementing IADsMember.
    Computer Windows NT 4.0 server or workstation.
        PrintJob Print job in the print queue
            PrintJobsCollection A set of print jobs.
        PrintQueue Print queue on a printer spooler
        Service Application running as a service.
            FileService Services accessing file system
                FileShare File share point
                Resource A resource in the service
                Session An active file service connection
        User Local user account
        Group Local group
            UserCollection Collection of local users
            GroupCollection Collection of local groups.
    Schema WinNT Schema container.
        Class Schema class definition.
        Property Schema attribute definition.
        Syntax Syntax of a property.