Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services

The Put Method

The IADs::Put method saves the value for a property for an Active Directory object by name into the property cache. Use IADs::PutEx to save multi-valued properties to the property cache, or to remove a property from an object. These values are not persisted to the underlying directory service until IADs::SetInfo is called.

Dim Namespace As IADsOpenDSObject
Dim User As IADsUser
Dim NewName As Variant
Set Namespace = GetObject("LDAP:")
Set User = Namespace.OpenDSObject("LDAP://MyMachine/CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=MyDomain,DC=Microsoft,DC=COM", "Administrator", "", ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION)
NewName = "John Smith"
' Set using IADs::PutMethod
User.Put "FullName", NewName

The following code example shows how to use IADs::Put with a single value.

Dim x As IADs
Set x = GetObject("LDAP://CN=JSmith,CN=Users,DC=Microsoft, DC=Com") 
x.Put "givenName", "John"
x.Put "sn", "Smith"
'Commit to the directory 

The following code example shows how to use IADs::Put with multiple values.

Dim x As IADs
Set x = GetObject("LDAP://CN=JSmith,CN=Users,DC=Microsoft, DC=Com") 
x.Put "givenName", "John"
x.Put "sn", "Smith"
x.SetInfo    'Commit to the directory.