Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services

User Interface Extension for New Object Classes

When creating a new class, you determine how objects of that class will be displayed. The classSchema object itself has properties that determine when a object is visible in the user interface. To provide class display name, attribute display names, icons, context menus, property pages, and creation wizards for the class in Active Directory™ administrative snap-ins and the Microsoft® Windows® shell, you need to create a display specifier for the class. Note that you need to create a display specifier for each locale your class supports.

When you create a new class, consider the following settings and their effects on how the Windows shell and Active Directory administrative snap-ins will display objects of that class:

If you do not set defaultHidingValue, it defaults to TRUE. This means that instances of the object are hidden in the Administrative snap-ins and the Windows shell. It also means that a menu item for the new object class will not appear in the New context menu of the Administrative snap-ins—even if the appropriate creation wizard properties are set on the new object class's displaySpecifier object.

Set this property to FALSE if you want to be able to see instances of the class in the administrative snap-ins and the shell and enable a creation wizard and its menu item in the New menu of the administrative snap-ins.

If you do not set showInAdvancedViewOnly, it defaults to TRUE.

When set to TRUE, instances of the object appear in the Users and Computers snap-in in Advanced View only and do not appear in the Windows shell.

Set this property to FALSE if you want to be able to see instances of the class in Normal view in the Users and Computers snap-in and the Windows shell.

Note that you can also set this value on an individual object to override the value set on the object's class. For example, the container class has this value set to TRUE but the Users container has this value set to FALSE; therefore, the Users container appears in the shell and in Normal view in the Users and Computers snap-in but other containers that do not have showInAdvancedViewOnly set to FALSE will appear only in Advanced view in the Users and Computers snap-in.