Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services

Example Code for Checking for Membership in a Group

The following code fragment contains a function that checks for absolute membership of an object by recursively checking whether an object is a member of a group or any groups nested within that group:

/*  RecursiveIsMember()                       - Recursively scans the members of passed IADsGroup ptr
                                                and any groups belonging to the passed ptr- for membership
                                                of Passed group
                                                Will return a TRUE if the member is found in the passed group,
                                                Or if the passed member is a member of any group which is a member
                                                of the passed group
        IADsGroup *     pADsGroup       - Group from which to check members
        LPWSTR          pwszMember      - LDAP path for object to check membership
        BOOL            bVerbose        - IF TRUE, will output verbose information on the scanning
    OPTIONAL Parameters
       LPOLESTR  pwszUser           - User Name and Password, if the parameters are NOT passed, 
       LPOLESTER pwszPassword       - Binding will use ADsGetObject, if the parameters
                                    - Are specified, will use ADsOpenObject, passing user name and password
BOOL RecursiveIsMember(IADsGroup * pADsGroup,LPWSTR pwszMemberGUID,LPWSTR pwszMemberPath, 
                                             BOOL bVerbose, LPOLESTR  pwszUser, LPOLESTR pwszPassword)
    HRESULT         hr                = S_OK;     // COM Result Code
    IADsMembers *   pADsMembers       = NULL;     // Ptr to Members of the IADsGroup
    BOOL            fContinue         = TRUE;     // Looping Variable
    IEnumVARIANT *  pEnumVariant      = NULL;     // Ptr to the Enum variant
    IUnknown *      pUnknown          = NULL;     // IUnknown for getting the ENUM initially
    VARIANT         VariantArray[FETCH_NUM];      // Variant array for temp holding returned data
    ULONG           ulElementsFetched = NULL;     // Number of elements fetched
    BSTR            bsGroupPath       = NULL;
    BOOL            bRet              = FALSE;
    // Get the path of the object passed in
    hr = pADsGroup->get_ADsPath(&bsGroupPath);
    if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
        return hr;
    if (bVerbose)
        WCHAR pwszOutput[2048];
        wsprintf(pwszOutput,L"Checking the Group:\n\n%s\n\n for the member:\n\n%s\n\n",bsGroupPath,pwszMemberPath);
    // Get an interface pointer to the IADsCollection of members
    hr = pADsGroup->Members(&pADsMembers);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Ask the IADsCollection of members for a new ENUM Interface
        // Note the enum comes back as an IUnknown *
        hr = pADsMembers->get__NewEnum(&pUnknown);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // QI the IUnknown * for an IEnumVARIANT interface
            hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IEnumVARIANT, (void **)&pEnumVariant);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                // While have not hit errors or end of data....
                while (fContinue) 
                   ulElementsFetched = 0;
                    // Get a "batch" number of group members- number of rows specified by FETCH_NUM
                    hr = ADsEnumerateNext(pEnumVariant, FETCH_NUM, VariantArray, &ulElementsFetched);
                    if (ulElementsFetched )
                        // Loop through the current batch- printing the path 
                        // for each member
                        for (ULONG i = 0; i < ulElementsFetched; i++ ) 
                            IDispatch * pDispatch         = NULL; // ptr for holding dispath of element
                            BSTR        bstrCurrentPath   = NULL; // Holds path of object
                            BSTR        bstrGuidCurrent   = NULL; // Holds path of object
                            IDirectoryObject * pIDOCurrent = NULL;// Holds the current object          
                            // Get the dispatch ptr for the variant
                            pDispatch = VariantArray[i].pdispVal;
                            // Get the IADs interface for the "member" of this group
                            hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectoryObject,
                                                           (VOID **) &pIDOCurrent ) ;
                            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                // Retrieve the GUID for the current object
                                hr = GetObjectGuid(pIDOCurrent,bstrGuidCurrent);
                                if (FAILED(hr))
                                    return hr;
                                IADs * pIADsCurrent = NULL;
                                // Retrieve the IADs Interface for the current object
                                hr = pIDOCurrent->QueryInterface(IID_IADs,(void**)&pIADsCurrent);
                                if (FAILED(hr))
                                    return hr;
                                // Get the ADsPath property for this member
                                hr = pIADsCurrent->get_ADsPath(&bstrCurrentPath);
                                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                    if (bVerbose)
                                    // Is the "member of this group Equal to passed?
                                    if (_wcsicmp(bstrGuidCurrent,pwszMemberGUID)==0)
                                        if (bVerbose)
                                            wprintf(L"!!!!!Object:\n\n%s\n\nIs a member of\n\n%s\n\n",pwszMemberPath,bstrGuidCurrent);   
                                        bRet = TRUE;
                                    else // Otherwise, we should bind to this and see if it is a group
                                    {    // If is it a group then the QI to IADsGroup will succeed
                                        IADsGroup * pIADsGroupAsMember = NULL;
                                        if (pwszUser)
                                            hr = ADsOpenObject( bstrCurrentPath,
                                                                (void**) &pIADsGroupAsMember);
                                            hr = ADsGetObject( bstrCurrentPath, IID_IADsGroup,(void **)&pIADsGroupAsMember);
                                        // If we DID bind, then this IS a group
                                        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                            // Recursively call ourselves to check THIS group
                                            BOOL bRetRecurse;
                                            bRetRecurse = RecursiveIsMember(pIADsGroupAsMember,pwszMemberGUID,pwszMemberPath,bVerbose,pwszUser ,pwszPassword );
                                            if (bRetRecurse)
                                                bRet = TRUE;
                                            pIADsGroupAsMember = NULL;
                                    bstrCurrentPath = NULL;
                                    bstrGuidCurrent = NULL;
                                // Release
                                pIDOCurrent = NULL;
                                if (pIADsCurrent)
                                    pIADsCurrent = NULL;
                        // Clear the variant array
                        memset(VariantArray, 0, sizeof(VARIANT)*FETCH_NUM);
                        fContinue = FALSE;
                pEnumVariant = NULL;
            pUnknown = NULL;
        pADsMembers ->Release();
        pADsMembers  = NULL;
    // Free the group path if it was retrieved.
    if (bsGroupPath)
        bsGroupPath = NULL;
    return bRet;
/*  GetObjectGuid()    - Retrieves the GUID in String form from the passed Directory Object
                         Returns S_OK on success 
        IDirectoryObject *  pDO     -   Directory Object from where GUID will be retrieved.
        BSTR             &  bsGuid  -   Returned GUID            
HRESULT GetObjectGuid(IDirectoryObject * pDO,BSTR &bsGuid)
    GUID *pObjectGUID   = NULL;
    PADS_ATTR_INFO      pAttributeEntries;
    LPWSTR              pAttributeName = L"objectGUID";  //Get the GUID for the object
    DWORD               dwAttributesReturned = 0;
    HRESULT             hr;
    hr = pDO->GetObjectAttributes(  &pAttributeName, //objectGUID
                                    1, //Only objectGUID
                                    &pAttributeEntries, // Returned attributes
                                    &dwAttributesReturned //Number of attributes returned
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && dwAttributesReturned>0)
        //Make sure that we got the right type--objectGUID is ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING
        if (pAttributeEntries->dwADsType == ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING)
            //Get COM converted string version of the GUID
            //lpvalue should be LPBYTE. Should be able to cast it to ptr to GUID.
            pObjectGUID = (GUID*)(pAttributeEntries->pADsValues[0].OctetString.lpValue);
            //OLE str to fit a GUID
            LPOLESTR szGUID = new WCHAR [64];
            //Convert GUID to string.
            ::StringFromGUID2(*pObjectGUID, szGUID, 39); 
            bsGuid = SysAllocString(szGUID);
            delete [] szGUID;
    return hr;
/*  PrintBanner()   -       Prints a banner on the screen
                LPOLESTR pwszBanner   - String to print
void PrintBanner(LPOLESTR pwszBanner)