Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services

Example Code for Deleting a Group on a Member Server or Windows NT Workstation/Windows 2000 Professional


The following function deletes a group on a member server or a computer running Windows NT Workstation/Windows 2000 Professional:

/*  DeleteADObject()   - Deletes the passed object by AdsPath 
        LPOLESTR pwszAdsPath        -       AdsPath of object to delete
    Optional Parameters:
       LPOLESTR pwszUser            - User Name and Password, if the parameters are NOT passed, 
       LPOLESTER pwszPassWord       - Binding will use ADsGetObject, if the parameters
                                    - Are specified, will use ADsOpenObject, passing user name and password
HRESULT DeleteADObject(LPOLESTR pwszAdsPath, LPOLESTR  pwszUser,LPOLESTR  pwszPassWord)
    HRESULT             hr;
    BSTR                bsParentPath;
    IADs *              pIADsToDelete = NULL;
    IDirectoryObject *  pIDirObjectParent= NULL;
    VARIANT             vCNToDelete;
    WCHAR               pwszTemp[512];
    // Bind to the object being deleted
    assert((pwszUser==NULL && pwszPassWord == NULL) || (pwszUser && pwszPassWord));
    // If a username and password are passed in, use ADsOpenObject()
    // otherwise use ADsGetObject()
    if (!pwszUser) // No user password passed, use ADsOpenObject 
        hr = ADsGetObject(  pwszAdsPath, IID_IADs,(void **)& pIADsToDelete);
        hr = ADsOpenObject(pwszAdsPath, pwszUser, pwszPassWord, 
                           ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION,IID_IADs, (void**) & pIADsToDelete);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
       // Get the parent path
        hr = pIADsToDelete->get_Parent(&bsParentPath); 
        // Get the CN property for the object to delete
        hr = pIADsToDelete->Get(L"cn",&vCNToDelete);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // ************************************************************
            // Now bind to the parent
            // If a username and password are passed in, use ADsOpenObject()
            // otherwise use ADsGetObject()
            if (!pwszUser) // No user password passed, use ADsOpenObject        
                hr = ADsGetObject(  bsParentPath, IID_IDirectoryObject,(void **)& pIDirObjectParent);
                hr = ADsOpenObject(bsParentPath, pwszUser, pwszPassWord, 
                                   ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION,IID_IDirectoryObject, (void**) & pIDirObjectParent);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                // Release the object to delete
                pIADsToDelete =NULL;
                // Put the CN property into a string beginning with CN=
                // Ask the parent to delete the child
                hr =pIDirObjectParent->DeleteDSObject(pwszTemp);
                // Release the Parent Object
                pIDirObjectParent = NULL;
    // If we have a IADsObject- we need to release it
    if ( pIADsToDelete)
        // Release the object to delete
        pIADsToDelete =NULL;
 return hr;
[Visual Basic]

The following code deletes a group on a member server or a computer running Windows NT Workstation/Windows 2000 Professional:

'Example: Deleting a local group on a member server or Windows NT Workstation/Windows 2000 Professional
'Parse the arguments
On Error Resume Next
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
If oArgs.Count < 2 Then
    sComputer = InputBox("This script deletes a group from a member server or workstation." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &"Specify 
the computer name:")
    sGroup = InputBox("Specify the group name:")
    sComputer = oArgs.item(0)
    sGroup = oArgs.item(1)
End If
If sComputer = "" Then
    WScript.Echo "No computer name was specified. You must specify a computer name."
End If
If sGroup = "" Then
    WScript.Echo "No group name was specified. You must specify a group name."
End If
'Bind to the computer
Set cont= GetObject("WinNT://" & sComputer & ",computer")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
    BailOnFailure Err.Number, "on GetObject method"
End If
'Delete the group
'You do not need to specify localGroup, just group is sufficient.
Set oGroup = cont.Delete("group", sGroup)
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
    BailOnFailure Err.Number, "on IADsContainer::Delete method"
End If
strText = "The group " & sGroup & " was deleted on computer " & sComputer & "."
Call show_groups(strText, sComputer)

'Display subroutines
Sub show_groups(strText, strName)
    MsgBox strText, vbInformation, "Create group on " & strName
End Sub