Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services

Example Code for Enumerating Groups


The following code fragment contains a function that enumerates all objects of a specified class (such as group) and displays the members contained in each object on a member server or a computer running Windows NT Workstation/Windows 2000 Professional:

/*  ListMembersWithWinNtProvider()    - Uses the WinNT provider to list children based on a filter
                                        Returns S_OK on success   
    LPWSTR pwszComputer     - Computer to list
    LPWSTR pwszClass        - Filter for listing
    LPWSTR pwszUSER = NULL  - User Name for ADsOpenObject() binding- If NOT passed - Bind Though ADsGetObject()
    LPWSTR pwszPASS = NULL  - Password for ADsOpenObject() binding- If NOT passed - Bind Though ADsGetObject()
HRESULT ListMembersWithWinNtProvider(LPWSTR pwszComputer,LPWSTR pwszClass, LPWSTR pwszUSER = NULL, LPWSTR pwszPASS = NULL)
    HRESULT hr;
    LPWSTR  pwszBindingString = NULL;
    IADsContainer * pIADsCont = NULL;
    // Allocate a String for Binding.. This should definitely be big enough..
    pwszBindingString = new WCHAR[(wcslen(gbsComputer) *2) + 20];
    // Make sure either NO user is passed - or BOTH user and password are passed
    assert(!pwszUSER || (pwszUSER && pwszPASS));
    // Bind to the container passed 
    // If USER and PASS passed in, use ADsOpenObject()
    if (pwszUSER)
        hr = ADsOpenObject( pwszBindingString,
                            (void**) &pIADsCont);
        hr = ADsGetObject( pwszBindingString, IID_IADsContainer,(void **)&pIADsCont);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        VARIANT vFilter;
        LPWSTR pwszFilter = pwszClass;
        // Build a Variant of array type, using the filter passed
        hr = ADsBuildVarArrayStr(&pwszFilter, 1, &vFilter);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Set the filter for the results of the Enum
            hr = pIADsCont->put_Filter(vFilter);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                IEnumVARIANT * pEnumVariant = NULL; // Ptr to the IEnumVariant Interface
                VARIANT Variant;                    // Variant for retrieving data
                ULONG   ulElementsFetched;          // Number of elements fetched
                // Builds an enumerator interface- this will be used 
                // to enumerate the objects contained in the IADsContainer 
                hr = ADsBuildEnumerator(pIADsCont,&pEnumVariant);
                // While no errors- Loop through and print the data
                while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && hr != S_FALSE) 
                    // Object comes back as a VARIANT holding an IDispatch *
                    hr = ADsEnumerateNext(pEnumVariant,1,&Variant,&ulElementsFetched);
                    if (hr != S_FALSE) 
                        IDispatch *pDispatch = NULL;
                        IADs *pIADs= NULL;
                        pDispatch = Variant.pdispVal;
                        // QI the Variant's IDispatch * for the IADs interface
                        hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IADs,(VOID **) &pIADs) ;
                        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                            // Print some information about the object
                            BSTR bsResult;
                            wprintf(L" NAME: %s\n",(LPOLESTR) bsResult);
                            wprintf(L" ADSPATH: %s\n",(LPOLESTR) bsResult);
                            pIADs = NULL;
                // Since the hr from iteration was lost, free 
                // the interface if the ptr is != NULL
                if (pEnumVariant)
                    pEnumVariant = NULL;
    delete [] pwszBindingString;
    pwszBindingString = NULL;
    return hr;
[Visual Basic]

The following code enumerates all groups and displays the members contained in each group on a member server or a computer running Windows NT Workstation/Windows 2000 Professional:

'Example: Enumerating all local groups on member server or Windows NT Workstation/Windows 2000 Professional
Dim IADsCont As IADsContainer
Dim Group As IADsGroup
sComputer = InputBox("This script lists the groups on a member server or workstation." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Specify the computer name:")
If sComputer = "" Then
  MsgBox "No computer name was specified. You must specify a computer name."
  Exit Sub
End If
'Bind to the computer
'Note that this sample uses the caller's security context.
'To specify a user account other than the user account under which 
'which your application is running, use IADsOpenDSObject.
Set IADsCont = GetObject("WinNT://" & sComputer & ",computer")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
   BailOnFailure Err.Number, "on GetObject method"
End If
'Filter to view only group objects
IADsCont.Filter = Array("group")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
   BailOnFailure Err.Number, "on IADsContainer::Filter method"
End If
strText = ""
intIndex = 0
intNumDisplay = 0
cmember = 0
'Maximum number of groups to list on a msgbox.
'Get each group and display its name and its members
For Each Group In IADsCont
    intIndex = intIndex + 1
    'Get the name
    strText = strText & vbCrLf & Right("  " & intIndex, 4) & " " & Group.Name
    intNumDisplay = intNumDisplay + 1
    'Get the members object
    Set memberList = Group.members
    If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
       BailOnFailure Err.Number, "on IADsGroup::members method"
    End If
    'Get the enumerate the members of the group from the members object
    For Each member In memberList
      If cmember = 0 Then
    strText = strText & vbCrLf & "       " & "Members:"
      End If
      strText = strText & vbCrLf & "       " & member.Name & " (" & member.Class & ")"
      cmember = cmember + 1
    If cmember = 0 Then
      strText = strText & vbCrLf & "       " & "No members"
    End If
    'Display in msgbox if there are MAX_DISPLAY groups to display
    If intNumDisplay >= MAX_DISPLAY Then
        Call show_groups(strText, sComputer)
        strText = ""
        intNumDisplay = 0
    End If
    'Reset the count of members within the current group
    cmember = 0
Call show_groups(strText, sComputer)
'Display subroutines
Sub show_groups(strText, strName)
    MsgBox strText, vbInformation, "Groups on " & strName
End Sub
Sub BailOnFailure(ErrNum, ErrText)    strText = "Error 0x" & Hex(ErrNum) & " " & ErrText
    MsgBox strText, vbInformation, "ADSI Error"
End Sub