Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services

Example Code for Setting Read Property Rights on an Object

The following code fragment contains a function that creates an ACE that assigns read access to all properties of the object to the specified trustee:

//Create an ACE that assigns read property rights to all properties on the object. 
//This ACE is not inherited, that is, it applies only to the current object.    
HRESULT CreateAceEffectiveReadAllProperties(
                           LPOLESTR szTrustee,
                           IDispatch **ppDispACE)
IADsAccessControlEntry *pACE = NULL;
//Create the COM object for the new ACE.
hr  = CoCreateInstance( 
                            (void **)&pACE
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    //Set the properties of the new ACE.
    //Set the access mask containing the rights to assign.
    //This function assigns read property rights.
    hr = pACE->put_AccessMask(ADS_RIGHT_DS_READ_PROP);
    //Set the trustee.
    hr = pACE->put_Trustee( szTrustee );
    //Set AceType
    hr = pACE->put_AceType( ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED );
    //For this function, set AceFlags so that ACE is not inherited by child objects.
    //You can set AceFlags to 0 or let it default to 0 by not calling put_AceFlags.
    hr = pACE->put_AceFlags(0);
    //For this function, set ObjectType to NULL because the right applies to all properties
    //and set Flags to 0. You can also not call these two methods and let them default to NULL. 
    hr = pACE->put_ObjectType( NULL );
    hr = pACE->put_Flags(0);
    //Is not inherited, so set object type to NULL or let it default to NULL by not calling the method.
    hr = pACE->put_InheritedObjectType( NULL );
    //Need to QI for IDispatch pointer to pass to the AddAce method.
    hr = pACE->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch,(void**)ppDispACE);
return hr;