Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services

Creating a Service Connection Point

The following sample code shows how to create and initialize a service connection point. The code performs additional steps that enable the service to update the SCP values at run time. Typically, a service installation program performs these steps as part of installing a service instance on a host computer.

This example creates the SCP object in Active Directory as a child of the computer object for the local computer. It uses the GetComputerObjectName function to get the DN of the local computer object. Then it uses the DN to bind to an IDirectoryObject pointer for the computer object. The IDirectoryObject::CreateDSObject method creates the SCP and specifies initial values for the important SCP attributes.

CreateDSObject returns a pointer to the new SCP, which the example uses to retrieve an IADs pointer for the SCP. The example uses IADs methods to retrieve the objectGUID and distinguishedName attributes of the SCP. It uses the objectGUID to compose a string that can be used to bind to the SCP, and then caches the GUID binding string in the local registry where it can be retrieved by the service at run time. The distinguishedName is returned to the routine's caller for use in composing a service principal name (SPN) for the service instance.

For sample code calls this routine as part of the basic steps of installing a directory-enabled service, see Installing a Service on a Host Computer.

// ScpCreate
// Create a new service connection point as a child of the local 
// server's computer object.
       USHORT usPort,       // Service's default port to store in SCP.
       LPTSTR szClass,      // Service class string to store in SCP.
       LPTSTR szAccount,    // Logon account that needs access to SCP.
       TCHAR *pszDN)        // Returns distinguished name of SCP.
DWORD dwStat, dwAttr, dwLen;
IDispatch *pDisp;          // returned dispinterface of new object
IDirectoryObject *pComp;   // Computer object; parent of SCP
IADs *pIADsSCP;            // IADs interface on new object

// Values for SCPs keywords attribute.
TCHAR       *KwVal[]={
        TEXT("937924B8-AA44-11d2-81F1-00C04FB9624E"),  // Vendor GUID
        TEXT("A762885A-AA44-11d2-81F1-00C04FB9624E"),  // Product GUID
        TEXT("Microsoft"),                             // Vendor Name
        TEXT("Windows 2000 Auth-O-Matic"),             // Product Name

TCHAR       szServer[MAX_PATH];
TCHAR       szDn[MAX_PATH];
TCHAR       szAdsPath[MAX_PATH];
TCHAR       szPort[6];

HKEY        hReg;
DWORD       dwDisp;

ADSVALUE cn,objclass,keywords[4],binding,classname,dnsname,nametype;

// SCP attributes to set during creation of SCP.
ADS_ATTR_INFO   ScpAttribs[] = {

BSTR bstrGuid = NULL;
TCHAR pwszBindByGuidStr[1024]; 

// Get the DNS name of the local computer
dwLen = sizeof(szServer);
if (!GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified,szServer,&dwLen))
    return GetLastError();
_tprintf(TEXT("GetComputerNameEx: %s\n"), szServer);
// Fill in the attribute values to be stored in the SCP.
keywords[0].dwType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING;
keywords[1].dwType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING;
keywords[2].dwType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING;
keywords[3].dwType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING;


cn.dwType                   = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING;
cn.CaseIgnoreString         = TEXT("SockAuthAD");
objclass.dwType             = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING;
objclass.CaseIgnoreString   = TEXT("serviceConnectionPoint");

dnsname.dwType              = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING;
dnsname.CaseIgnoreString    = szServer;
classname.dwType            = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING;
classname.CaseIgnoreString  = szClass;

binding.dwType              =   ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING;
binding.CaseIgnoreString    = szPort;
nametype.dwType             = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING;
nametype.CaseIgnoreString   = TEXT("A");

// Get the distinguished name of the computer object for the local computer
dwLen = sizeof(szDn);
if (!GetComputerObjectName(NameFullyQualifiedDN,szDn,&dwLen))
    return GetLastError();
_tprintf(TEXT("GetComputerObjectName: %s\n"), szDn);

// Compose the ADSpath and bind to the computer object for the local computer
hr = ADsGetObject(szAdsPath, IID_IDirectoryObject, (void **)&pComp);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
    ReportError(TEXT("Failed to bind Computer Object."),hr);
    return hr;

// Publish the SCP as a child of the computer object

// Figure out attribute count.
dwAttr = sizeof(ScpAttribs)/sizeof(ADS_ATTR_INFO);  

// Do the Deed!
hr = pComp->CreateDSObject(TEXT("cn=SockAuthAD"),
                           ScpAttribs, dwAttr, &pDisp);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
    ReportError(TEXT("Failed to create SCP:"), hr);
    return hr;

// Query for an IADs pointer on the SCP object.
hr = pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IADs,(void **)&pIADsSCP);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
    ReportError(TEXT("Failed to QI for IADs:"),hr);
    return hr;

// Set ACEs on SCP so service can modify it.
hr = AllowAccessToScpProperties(
        szAccount,     // Service account to allow access.
        pIADsSCP);     // IADs pointer to the SCP object.
if (FAILED(hr)) {
    ReportError(TEXT("Failed to set ACEs on SCP DACL:"), hr);
    return hr;

// Get the distinguished name (DN) of the SCP.
hr = pIADsSCP->Get(TEXT("distinguishedName"), &var); 
if (FAILED(hr)) {
    ReportError(TEXT("Failed to get distinguishedName:"), hr);
    return hr;
_tprintf(TEXT("distinguishedName via IADs: %s\n"), var.bstrVal);

// Return the DN of the SCP, which is used to compose the SPN.
// Note that best practice is to either accept and return the buffer
// size or do this in a _try / _except block, both omitted here
// for the sake of clarity.
_tcscpy(pszDN, var.bstrVal);

// Retrieve the SCP's objectGUID in format suitable for binding. 
hr = pIADsSCP->get_GUID(&bstrGuid); 
if (FAILED(hr)) {
    ReportError(TEXT("Failed to get GUID:"), hr);
    return hr;

// Build a string for binding to the object by GUID
_tcscpy(pwszBindByGuidStr, TEXT("LDAP://<GUID="));
_tcscat(pwszBindByGuidStr, bstrGuid);
_tcscat(pwszBindByGuidStr, TEXT(">"));
_tprintf(TEXT("GUID binding string: %s\n"), pwszBindByGuidStr);


// Create a registry key under 
dwStat = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
            TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows 2000 Auth-O-Matic"),
if (dwStat != NO_ERROR) {
    ReportError(TEXT("RegCreateKeyEx failed:"), dwStat);
    return dwStat;

// Cache the GUID binding string under the registry key.
dwStat = RegSetValueEx(hReg, TEXT("GUIDBindingString"), 0, REG_SZ,
                           (const BYTE *)pwszBindByGuidStr, 
if (dwStat != NO_ERROR) {
    ReportError(TEXT("RegSetValueEx failed:"), dwStat);
    return dwStat;


// TODO: cleanup should delete SCP and registry key if error.

return dwStat;