Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services


The IADs::GetInfoEx method loads the values of specified properties of the ADSI object from the underlying directory store into the property cache.

  VARIANT vProperties, 
  LONG lnReserved       


[in] Array of BSTR entries that list the properties to load into the Active Directory property cache. Each property name must match one in this object's schema class definition.
[in] Reserved for future use. Must be zero (0).

Return Values

This method supports the standard return values, as well as the following:

The current set of property values for this object have been refreshed.
The specified ADSI object is not bound to the remote resource.

For other return values, see ADSI Error Codes.


The IADs::GetInfoEx method overwrites any previously cached values of the specified properties with those in the directory store. Thus, any change made to the cache will be lost if an IADs::SetInfo was not invoked before the call to IADs::GetInfoEx.

Use IADs::GetInfoEx to refresh values of the selected property in the property cache of an ADSI object. Use IADs::GetInfo to refresh all the property values.

For an ADSI container object, IADs::GetInfoEx caches only the property values of the container, but not those of the child objects.

Example Code [Visual Basic]

The following Visual Basic code snippet shows how to use the IADs::GetInfoEx to obtain values of the selected properties, assuming that the desired property values can be found in the directory.

Dim x As IADs
Set x = GetObject("LDAP://CN=JSmith,CN=Users,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com")
'Retrieve givenName and sn from the underlying directory storage.
'Cache should have givenName and sn values.
x.GetInfoEx Array("givenName", "sn"), 0 
Debug.Print x.Get("givenName")  ' Property is in the cache
Debug.Print x.Get("sn")         ' Property is in the cache
'If the "homePhone" property is not in the cache (in the next line), 
'GetInfo will be called implicitly.
Debug.Print x.Get("homePhone")  

Example Code [C++]

The following C++ code snippet shows how to use the IADs::GetInfoEx to obtain values of the selected properties, assuming that the desired property values can be found in the directory. For brevity, error checking has been omitted.

IADs *pADs;
hr = ADsGetObject(L"WinNT://kding1,computer",
// Fetch "Owner" and "Division" attribute values.
LPWSTR pszAttrs[] = { L"Owner", L"Division" };
DWORD dwNumber = sizeof( pszAttrs ) /sizeof(LPWSTR);
hr = ADsBuildVarArrayStr( pszAttrs, dwNumber, &var );
hr = pADs->GetInfoEx(var, 0);
hr = pADs->Get(L"Division",&var);  
printf("    division   = %S\n", V_BSTR(&var));
hr = pADs->Get(L"Owner", &var);
printf("    owner      = %S\n", V_BSTR(&var));


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 (or Windows NT 4.0 with DSClient).
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later (with DSClient).
  Header: Declared in Iads.h.

See Also

IADs, IADs::GetInfo, IADs::SetInfo, Property Cache