Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services |
The IADsComputer interface is designed to represent and manage a computer (such as a server, client, workstation, and so on) on a network. You can manipulate the properties of this interface to access the information about a computer of interest. The information includes the operating system, the make and model, processor, computer identifier, its network addresses, and etc.
IADsComputer is a dual interface that inherits from IADs.
The IADsComputer interface exposes the following properties and methods.
IUnknown methods | Description |
QueryInterface | Returns pointers to supported interfaces. |
AddRef | Increments reference count. |
Release | Decrements reference count. |
IDispatch methods | Description |
GetTypeInfoCount | Gets the number of type descriptions. |
GetTypeInfo | Gets a description of object's programmable interface. |
GetIDsOfNames | Maps name of method or property to DISPID. |
Invoke | Calls one of the object's methods, or gets and sets one of its properties. |
IADsComputer property methods | Description |
ComputerID | Gets and sets globally unique identifier for this machine. |
Site | Gets and sets globally unique identifier for this site. |
Description | Gets and sets description of this computer. |
Location | Gets and sets physical location of this computer. |
PrimaryUser | Gets and sets contact person for this computer. |
Owner | Gets and sets licensed user of this computer. |
Division | Gets and sets division to which this computer belongs. |
Department | Gets and sets department to which this computer belongs. |
Role | Gets and sets role of this computer (server, workstation, and so on) |
OperatingSystem | Gets and sets installed operating system in use. |
put_OperatingSystemVersion | Gets and sets version of installed operating system in use. |
Model | Gets and sets make/model of this computer. |
Processor | Gets and sets type of processor. |
ProcessorCount | Gets and sets number of processors installed in this computer. |
MemorySize | Gets and sets amount of RAM in MB. |
StorageCapacity | Gets and sets size of disk space in MB. |
NetAddresses | Gets and sets binding information. |
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 (or Windows NT 4.0 with DSClient).
Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later (with DSClient).
Header: Declared in Iads.h.