Platform SDK: Active Directory, ADSI, and Directory Services |
The property methods of the IADsAccessControlList interface get or set the properties described in the following table. For more information, see Interface Property Methods.
Property | Description |
[Visual Basic] [C++] |
The revision level of an access-control list. This value should be ACL_REVISION. All ACEs in an ACL must be at the same revision level. |
[Visual Basic] [C++] |
The number of access control entries in the access-control list. |
The following Visual Basic® code snippet displays the number of ACEs in an ACL.
Set x = GetObject("LDAP://OU=Sales,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com") Set sd = x.Get("ntSecurityDescriptor") Set Dacl = sd.DiscretionaryAcl Debug.Print Dacl.AceCount
The following C++ code snippet displays the number of ACEs in an ACL.
IADs *pObj; LPWSTR guestPath = L""LDAP://OU=Sales,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com"; LPWSTR user = L"Power User"; LPWSTR passwd = L"Top Secret"; HRESULT hr; hr = ADsOpenObject(guestPath,user,passwd,1,IID_IADs,(void**)&pObj); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("hr = %x\n",hr); return hr; } else { BSTR bstr; pObj->get_Class(&bstr); printf("Object class: %S\n",bstr); SysFreeString(bstr); } VARIANT var; VariantInit(&var); hr = pObj->Get(L"ntSecurityDescriptor",&var); pObj->Release(); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Get ntSD: hr = %x\n",hr); return hr; } IADsSecurityDescriptor *psd; hr = V_DISPATCH(&var)->QueryInterface(IID_IADsSecurityDescriptor, (void**)&psd); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("DISP: hr = %x\n",hr); return hr; } IDispatch *pDisp; hr = psd->get_DiscretionaryAcl(&pDisp); VariantClear(&var); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("get_DACL : hr = %x\n",hr); return hr; } IADsAccessControlList *pAcl; hr = pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IADsAccessControlList,(void**)&pAcl); pDisp->Release(); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("QI ACL: hr = %x\n",hr); return hr; } long count; hr = pAcl->get_AceCount(&count); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Count: hr = %x\n",hr); return hr; } printf("AceCount = %d\n",count); pAcl->Release(); return hr;
IEnumVARIANT, IADsAccessControlEntry, IADsSecurityDescriptor