Platform SDK: NetMeeting

Installing NetMeeting 3

The NetMeeting Setup executable, nm30.exe, recognizes some command line parameters that developers can use to customize automated setup of NetMeeting within their own application installation procedures. These parameters allow developers to control how the NetMeeting setup program is displayed to the user.

Here are some switches you can use when installing NetMeeting 3 as part of your own application:

Switches Description
/Q Installs without showing any user interface. Bypasses all prompts, error messages, and file extraction animation. Usually used when one setup routine launches another.
/Q:1 Bypasses all prompts except file extraction animation and error messages.
/Q:A Assumes that the user running the application is an administrator and does not check for administration rights or disk space. Bypasses all prompts and errors.
/Q:U Bypasses extraction animations, but still checks for disk space and administration rights. Assumes the user is an end user.
/C Extracts files only; doesn't run the installation portion.
/C:"command" Overrides the install command with an INF or EXE defined by the author.
/N:[eg] Wextract skips various portions of the installation process.
  e: Wextract skips the file extraction process.
g: The group converter (Grpconv.exe) does not launch.
/R Forces restart after installation.
/T:"path" Specifies the temporary working folder for decompressed files.
/? Provides list of possible switches.

The "/C:" switch allows you to specify another INF file that NetMeeting will use during the setup process. The INF file tells NetMeeting what to do during setup and identifies the keys that should be added to the registry.