Platform SDK: Network Management |
The USER_INFO_11 structure contains information about a user account, including the account name, privilege level, the path to the user's home directory, and other user-related network statistics.
typedef struct _USER_INFO_11 { LPWSTR usri11_name; LPWSTR usri11_comment; LPWSTR usri11_usr_comment; LPWSTR usri11_full_name; DWORD usri11_priv; DWORD usri11_auth_flags; DWORD usri11_password_age; LPWSTR usri11_home_dir; LPWSTR usri11_parms; DWORD usri11_last_logon; DWORD usri11_last_logoff; DWORD usri11_bad_pw_count; DWORD usri11_num_logons; LPWSTR usri11_logon_server; DWORD usri11_country_code; LPWSTR usri11_workstations; DWORD usri11_max_storage; DWORD usri11_units_per_week; PBYTE usri11_logon_hours; DWORD usri11_code_page; }USER_INFO_11, *PUSER_INFO_11, *LPUSER_INFO_11;
Value | Meaning |
USER_PRIV_ADMIN | Administrator |
Calls to the NetUserGetInfo function and the NetUserEnum function return a value based on the user's local group membership. If the user is a member of Print Operators, AF_OP_PRINT is set. If the user is a member of Server Operators, AF_OP_SERVER is set. If the user is a member of the Account Operators, AF_OP_ACCOUNTS is set. AF_OP_COMM is never set.
The NetUserAdd and NetUserSetInfo functions ignore this member.
Windows NT/2000: The following restrictions apply:
This member can be one or more of the following values.
Value | Meaning |
AF_OP_PRINT | The print operator privilege is enabled. |
AF_OP_COMM | The communications operator privilege is enabled. |
AF_OP_SERVER | The server operator privilege is enabled. |
AF_OP_ACCOUNTS | The accounts operator privilege is enabled. |
This member is maintained separately on each backup domain controller (BDC) in the domain. To obtain an accurate value, you must query each BDC in the domain. The last logon occurred at the time indicated by the largest retrieved value.
This member is maintained separately on each backup domain controller (BDC) in the domain. To obtain an accurate value, you must query each BDC in the domain. The last logoff occurred at the time indicated by the largest retrieved value.
This member is replicated from the primary domain controller (PDC); it is also maintained on each backup domain controller (BDC) in the domain. To obtain an accurate value, you must query each BDC in the domain. The number of times the user tried to log on using an incorrect password is the largest value retrieved.
This member is maintained separately on each backup domain controller (BDC) in the domain. To obtain an accurate value, you must query each BDC in the domain. The number of times the user logged on successfully is the sum of the retrieved values.
Windows NT/2000: For Windows NT/Windows 2000 servers, NetUserGetInfo and NetUserEnum return \\*. The NetUserAdd and NetUserSetInfo functions ignore this member.
This member must be UNITS_PER_WEEK for LAN Manager 2.0. This element is ignored by the NetUserAdd and NetUserSetInfo functions.
Windows NT/2000: For Windows NT/Windows 2000 services, the units must be one of the following values: SAM_DAYS_PER_WEEK, SAM_HOURS_PER_WEEK, or SAM_MINUTES_PER_WEEK.
The first bit (bit 0, word 0) is Sunday, 0:00 to 0:59; the second bit (bit 1, word 0) is Sunday, 1:00 to 1:59; and so on. Note that bit 0 in word 0 represents Sunday from 0:00 to 0:59 only if you are in the GMT time zone. In all other cases you must adjust the bits according to your time zone offset (for example, GMT minus 8 hours for Pacific Standard Time).
Specify a null pointer in this member when calling the NetUserAdd function to indicate no time restriction. Specify a null pointer when calling the NetUserSetInfo function to indicate that no change is to be made to the times during which the user can log on.
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later.
Windows 95/98: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in Lmaccess.h.
Network Management Overview, Network Management Structures, User Functions, NetUserAdd, NetUserDel, NetUserEnum, NetUserGetInfo, NetUserSetInfo