Platform SDK: Network Management


The REPL_INFO_1003 structure contains the period of time that import servers wait before requesting a replica from the export server.

typedef struct _REPL_INFO_1003 {
  DWORD          rp1003_random;
} REPL_INFO_1003, *PREPL_INFO_1003, *LPREPL_INFO_1003;


Specifies the maximum period of time, in seconds, that import servers wait before requesting an update from the exporter. The default value is 60. You may want to increase this value substantially if you increase rpX_interval to 60 or more minutes. The maximum value is 120.

Import servers generate a random number of seconds, from 0 to the value of rpX_random. After receiving an update notice from the exporter, the import server waits the generated amount of seconds before requesting the replica from the export server. This can prevent the export server from being overloaded with simultaneous update requests.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 4.0 or earlier.
  Windows 95/98: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in Lmrepl.h.

See Also

Network Management Overview, Network Management Structures, Replicator Functions, NetReplSetInfo