Platform SDK: Network Management


The REPL_INFO_1002 structure contains the period of time that each file and directory within the replicated directory must be stable before the file replicator service updates the client. This value is valid only for top-level directories when the wait-until-stabilized feature is enabled.

typedef struct _REPL_INFO_1002 {
  DWORD          rp1002_guardtime;
} REPL_INFO_1002, *PREPL_INFO_1002, *LPREPL_INFO_1002;


Specifies the period of time, in minutes (by default), that each file and directory within the replicated directory must be stable before the file replicator service sends a synchronizing message with an updated checksum.

This setting is valid only for top-level directories when the wait-until-stabilized feature is enabled. The value of rp1002_guardtime cannot be more than rpX_interval divided by 2.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 4.0 or earlier.
  Windows 95/98: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in Lmrepl.h.

See Also

Network Management Overview, Network Management Structures, Replicator Functions, NetReplSetInfo