Platform SDK: Network Management


The WinSNMP SnmpOidToStr function converts the internal binary representation of an SNMP object identifier to its dotted numeric string format, for example, to "".

  smiLPCOID srcOID,  // object identifier to convert 
  smiUINT32 size,    // buffer size for string 
  LPSTR string       // pointer to buffer for converted string 
                     //   object identifier 


[in] Pointer to an smiOID structure with an object identifier to convert.
[in] Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer indicated by the string parameter.
[out] Pointer to a buffer to receive the converted string object identifier that specifies the SNMP management entity.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is the length, in bytes, of the string that the WinSNMP application writes to the string parameter. The return value includes a null-terminating byte. This value may be less than or equal to the value of the size parameter, but it may not be greater.

If the function fails, the return value is SNMPAPI_FAILURE. To get extended error information, call SnmpGetLastError specifying a NULL value in its session parameter. The SnmpGetLastError function can return one of the following errors.

Error code Description
SNMPAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED The SnmpStartup function did not complete successfully.
SNMPAPI_ALLOC_ERROR An error occurred during memory allocation.
SNMPAPI_SIZE_INVALID The size parameter is invalid. This parameter cannot be equal to zero; it must indicate the size of the buffer pointed to by the string parameter.
SNMPAPI_OID_INVALID The srcOID parameter is invalid. For additional information, see the following Remarks section.
SNMPAPI_OUTPUT_TRUNCATED The output buffer length is insufficient.
SNMPAPI_OTHER_ERROR An unknown or undefined error occurred.


It is recommended that a WinSNMP application specify, with the size parameter, a string buffer of MAXOBJIDSTRSIZE length (1408 bytes). This ensures that the output buffer is large enough to hold the converted string. Because the converted string is usually less than MAXOBJIDSTRSIZE, the WinSNMP application can copy the converted string to a smaller buffer. The application can then reuse or free the memory that it allocated for the initial buffer. For additional information, see WinSNMP Data Management Concepts.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in Winsnmp.h.
  Library: Use Wsnmp32.lib.

See Also

WinSNMP API Overview, WinSNMP Functions, SnmpStrToOid, smiOID