Platform SDK: Network Management

Setting the Entity and Context Translation Mode

The WinSNMP application can specify the interpretation and translation of entity and context parameters by setting the entity and context translation mode. The Microsoft WinSNMP implementation stores the mode in a database.

The setting of the entity and context translation mode determines the manner in which the SnmpStrToEntity function and the SnmpStrToContext function interpret input strings. The setting also determines the type of output string that the SnmpEntityToStr and the SnmpContextToStr functions return. For more information, see Support for IPX Address Strings in WinSNMP.

The implementation returns the current default entity and context translation mode in the nTranslateMode parameter of the SnmpStartup function. To retrieve the current entity and context translation mode in effect for the implementation, an application can call the SnmpGetTranslateMode function at any time.

The valid entity and context translation modes follow.

Mode Meaning
SNMPAPI_TRANSLATED The implementation uses its database to translate user-friendly names for SNMP entities and managed objects. The implementation translates them into their SNMPv1 or SNMPv2C components.
SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED_V1 The implementation interprets SNMP entity parameters as literal SNMP transport addresses, and context parameters as literal SNMP community strings. For SNMPv2 destination entities, the implementation creates outgoing SNMP messages that contain a value of zero in the version field.
SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED_V2 The implementation interprets SNMP entity parameters as SNMP transport addresses, and context parameters as literal SNMP community strings. For SNMPv2 destination entities, the implementation creates outgoing SNMP messages that contain a value of 1 in the version field.

The implementation tries to associate resources in its database with the literal transport address of the management entity.

To change the entity and context translation mode setting a WinSNMP application must call the SnmpSetTranslateMode function. If the requested translation mode is invalid, the function fails, and SnmpGetLastError returns the error code SNMPAPI_MODE_INVALID.