You can install any number of applications along with Windows NT Workstation, using the procedure that follows.
1. If any of the applications you want to preinstall require an interactive installation, prepare the snapshot and difference files, and optionally an INF file generated from the difference file, as described under "The Sysdiff Utility," later in this chapter. Install the applications after creating the snapshot file and before creating the difference file. Place the difference file (or, if you prefer, the INF file and directory structure generated from the difference file) on the distribution sharepoint.
2. For each application that has not been installed in step 1, create a subdirectory of the $OEM$\$$ directory on your distribution sharepoint. Copy all the installation files (including any directory structure) to this directory you have created.
3. Edit Unattend.txt, adding the line OemPreinstall = Yes to the [Unattended] section. The edited file is the answer file.
4. Add the installation commands to the $OEM$\cmdlines.txt file.
5. If you created a difference file as described in step one, add the sysdiff /apply command to the $OEM$\Cmdlines.txt file. This command is described under "The Sysdiff Utility," later in this chapter. Or, if you generated an INF from the difference file, add the command to apply the INF to the $OEM$\Cmdlines.txt file.
6. Optionally, create a UDF to further customize the sections of the answer file for individuals or groups. The use and format of the UDF is discussed in the section, "Tailoring the Installation with Uniqueness Database Files" later in this chapter.
7. With all the required files in place on the distribution share, use the winnt or winnt32 command at the destination computer to perform the installation. The winnt and winnt32 commands are discussed earlier in this chapter, under "The winnt and winnt32 Commands."