
When sysdiff is run, it looks for a file called Sysdiff.inf in the directory containing Sysdiff.exe. This file contains information used by sysdiff to exclude certain files and registry entries from snapshots or difference files. The Sysdiff.inf file can be customized, but you should use at least a basic Sysdiff.inf when performing the sysdiff /snap and sysdiff /diff commands. Otherwise, sysdiff will attempt to include such files as Pagefile.sys, which will almost certainly cause sysdiff to fail.

Example Sysdiff.inf File

The following is an example of a typical Sysdiff.inf file. It is heavily commented to serve as a guide if you choose to customize the file.

; This section is required, as it identifies the file as
; a Win4-style INF. Just leave this section as-is.
Signature = $chicago$
; General notes for file/dir exclusion sections:
; *: refers to all drives.
; ?: refers to the drive with the system on it.
; :: is substituted with %systemroot%
; Lines that are not in valid format (such as those that
; don't start with *:\, ?:\, ::, or <x>:\) are ignored.
; By default, all valid local hard drives are scanned from the root during
; snapshots and diffs. This section can be used to exclude entire drives.
; The first character on each line is the drive letter of a hard drive to exclude.
; By default, all directories on a drive are scanned during snapshots/diffs.
; This section allows entire directory trees to be excluded.
; Each line is a fully-qualified path of a tree to be excluded -- the directory
; and all of its subtrees are excluded from the snapshot or diff.
; Each line is a fully-qualified path of a directory to be
; excluded. The directory's subdirs are NOT excluded.
; By default, all files in all directories are included in snapshots/diffs.
; This section allows exclusion of individual files.
; Each line is a fully-qualified path of a file to be excluded.
; If it does not start with x:\ then we assume it's a filename part
; for a file to be excluded whereever it is found.
; Each line in here is a fully qualified path of a directory
; whose files are all to be included in a diff (marked as
; added/changed). Use this if you want to include files in the diff
; that might not have actually been changed.
; By default, all registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System,
; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software, and HKEY_CURRENT_USER are scanned during
; snapshots and diffs. This section allows exclusion of entire registry subkeys.
; Each line indicates a registry key and subkeys to be excluded.
; The first field is one of HKLM or HKCU
; The second field is the subkey, which must NOT start with a \.
; Each line indicates a single registry key to be excluded.
; Subkeys of this key are not excluded.
; The first field is one of HKLM or HKCU
; The second field is the subkey, which must NOT start with a \.
; Each line indicates a registry value entry to be excluded.
; The first field is one of HKLM or HKCU.
; The second field is the subkey, which must NOT start with \.
; The third field is the value entry name.