Using the Network Installation Startup Disk

Once the answer files, along with any UDFs or other customization files, are available on the distribution sharepoint, your technicians or end users can use the Network Installation Startup Disk to install Windows NT Workstation over the network.

To use the Network Installation Startup Disk

1. Insert the Network Installation Startup Disk in drive A of the destination computer.

2. Turn on the destination computer. The MS-DOS Network Client installation program is run automatically if the Network Installation Startup Disk is in drive A.

3. When prompted for a username and password, supply the username and password for an account with permission to connect to the directory on the Windows NT Server computer where Windows NT Workstation Setup files are stored. When the computer displays a message about creating a password-list file, type n and then press ENTER.

4. The client computer must now make a connection to the shared directory on the Windows NT Server computer. To do so, type the following at the command prompt:

net use x: \\corpnet\ver4.0
cd x:



is the letter assigned to the network drive, \\corpnet is the name of the distribution server, and \ver4.0 is the shared directory containing the Windows NT installation files.

5. Use the command winnt /u:answer_file to run the setup program.

For more information, see the guidelines for Computers Running MS-DOS Network Client in Chapter 4, "Deployment on Existing Client-Server Networks."