Roll Out Windows NT Workstation 4.0

After the extensive research, planning, testing, and analysis performed in the previous phases, the deployment teams arrive at the final phase — rolling out the Windows NT Workstation 4.0 installation to the entire organization. Although each prior phase was critical to the overall success of the deployment process, only this phase can fulfill the purpose of the entire planning process, by delivering the substantial new benefits of Windows NT Workstation 4.0 to your broadest base of users. At this phase, weeks of preparation pay off in a smooth migration of all your users to an operating system that is more powerful, more robust, and easier to use.

The steps involved in the final deployment are essentially the same as those for the pilot deployment. Briefly, they are as follows:

1. Set up the distribution servers. (Or use the distribution servers from the pilot rollout.)

2. Customize the server installation. (Or use the files from the pilot rollout.)

3. Notify the users of the upcoming installation.

4. Train the users on Windows NT Workstation 4.0.

5. If needed, upgrade the hardware on the client computers, and remove any software not complying with the organization policy.

6. If needed, back up critical data and configuration files on the client computers.

7. If needed, defragment the client hard disks.

8. Optionally, temporarily reset the user password and ID for each computer. This allows technicians easy access to the client computer so they can make sure that the login scripts and environment operate correctly.

9. Make sure that the client computers are fully operational and the network is running.

10. Prepare for the installation process. Depending on your deployment method, this would involve one or more of the following:

11. Initiate the deployment by the means appropriate to your method of deployment. For example, have the users log on, or leave their computers on, at the end of the business day for an overnight installation.