Using Logon Scripts to Configure User Work Environments

A logon script runs automatically whenever a user logs on to a computer running either Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation. Although a logon script is typically a batch file (.bat or .cmd extension), any executable program (.exe extension) can also be used.

Logon scripts are optional. They can be used to configure user working environments by creating network connections and starting applications. Logon scripts are useful when you want to affect the user work environment without managing all aspects of it.


User profiles can restore network connections at logon that were established prior to logging off, but they cannot be used to create new network connections at logon.

To use Logon scripts, you need at least one computer on your network running Windows NT Server, configured as a primary domain controller (PDC). For information on enforcing system policy on your network, see Chapter 3, "Managing User Work Environments" in Windows NT Server version 4.0 Concepts and Planning.