Transmission Control Protocol

The most common higher-level protocol in the suite is Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). It provides a reliable, connection-oriented packet delivery service on top of (or encapsulated within) IP. TCP guarantees the delivery of packets, ensures proper sequencing of the data, and provides a checksum feature that validates both the packet header and its data for accuracy. If the network either corrupts or loses a TCP packet during transmission, TCP is responsible for retransmitting the faulty packet. This reliability makes TCP the protocol of choice for session-based data transmission, client-server applications, and critical services, such as electronic mail.

This reliability has a price. TCP headers require additional bits to provide proper sequencing of information, as well as a mandatory checksum to ensure reliability of both the TCP packet header and the packet data. To guarantee successful data delivery, the protocol also requires that the recipient acknowledge successful receipt of data.

Such acknowledgments (ACKs) generate additional network traffic, diminishing the rate at which data passes in favor of reliability. To reduce the impact on performance, most hosts send an acknowledgment for every other segment or when a specified time interval has passed.