
Windows NT has a uniform security architecture designed to provide a safe environment to run mission-critical applications as judged by government security standards. Windows 3.5 has been evaluated by the United States National Computer Security Center as meeting the requirements of C2 level security. Windows NT 4.0 with networking is currently undergoing this evaluation.

Windows NT 3.51 is being evaluated in the UK and Germany for a F-C2 / E3 security rating. Windows NT 4.0 will be subject to the same standards.

The Windows NT 4.0 architectural changes do not affect the integral security subsystem or the Security Reference Monitor in the Executive. They are not expected to affect the U.S. or European security evaluations of Windows NT 4.0.

For more information about Windows NT Workstation security, see Chapter 6, "Windows NT Security." For more information about the C2 Evaluation of Windows NT, see the Windows NT Administrator's Security Guide. (It is available from Microsoft. Refer to Part #236-074-495.)