The Security Model

Chapter 5, "Windows NT Workstation Architecture," describes the overall architecture of Windows NT. As shown in Figure 6.1, the Windows NT security model includes the following components:

This component is the center of the Windows NT security subsystem. It generates access tokens (described later in this chapter), manages the local security policy, and provides interactive user authentication services. The Local Security Authority also controls audit policy and logs the audit messages generated by the Security Reference Monitor.

Figure 6.1 Windows NT Security Components

Together, these components are known as the security subsystem. (Note that because it affects the entire Windows NT operating system, this is considered an integral subsystem rather than an environmental subsystem.)

The Windows NT security model is designed for C2-level security as defined by the U.S. Department of Defense. For more information about C2-level security, see "C2 Security" later in this chapter.