
       IN NDIS_OID Oid,
       IN PVOID InformationBuffer,
       IN ULONG InformationBufferLength,
       OUT PULONG BytesWritten,
       OUT PULONG BytesNeeded

MiniportQueryInformation is a required function that returns information about the capabilities and status of the driver and/or its NIC.



Specifies the handle to a miniport-allocated context area in which the driver maintains per-NIC state, set up by MiniportInitialize.


Specifies the system-defined OID_XXX code designating the global query operation the driver should carry out.


Points to a buffer in which MiniportQueryInformation should return the OID-specific information.


Specifies the number of bytes at InformationBuffer.


Points to a variable that MiniportQueryInformation sets to the number of bytes it is returning at InformationBuffer.


Points to a variable that MiniportQueryInformation sets to the number of additional bytes it needs to satisfy the request if InformationBufferLength is less than Oid requires.

Return Value

MiniportQueryInformation can return one of the following:


MiniportQueryInformation returned the requested information at InformationBuffer and set the variable at BytesWritten to the amount of information it returned.


The driver will complete the request asynchronously with a call to NdisMQueryInformationComplete when it has gathered the requested information.


MiniportQueryInformation does not recognize the Oid.


The InformationBufferLength does not match the length required by the given Oid. MiniportQueryInformation returned how many bytes the buffer should be at BytesNeeded.


MiniportQueryInformation attempted to gather the requested information from the NIC but was unsuccessful.


MiniportQueryInformation does not support the Oid, which is optional.


MiniportQueryInformation could not allocate sufficient resources to return the requested information. This return value does not necessarily mean that the same request, submitted at a later time, will be failed for the same reason.


NDIS calls the MiniportQueryInformation function either on its own behalf, such as to determine which options the driver supports or to manage binding-specific information for the miniport, or when a bound protocol driver calls NdisRequest.

NDIS makes one or more calls to MiniportQueryInformation just after a driver’s MiniportInitialize function returns NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS. NDIS supplies the following OIDs in its initialization-time calls to the driver’s MiniportQueryInformation function:


MiniportQueryInformation must return how many bytes of lookahead data the NIC can provide, that is, the initial transfer capacity of the NIC.

Even if a driver supports multipacket receives and, therefore, will indicate an array of pointers to fully set up packets, MiniportQueryInformation must supply this information. Such a driver should return the maximum packet size it can indicate.


MiniportQueryInformation must return a bitmask set with the appropriate NDIS_MAC_OPTION_XXX flags indicating which options it (or its NIC) supports, or it can return zero at InformationBuffer if the driver supports none of the options designated by these flags.

For example, a NIC driver always sets the NDIS_MAC_OPTION_NO_LOOPBACK flag if its NIC has no internal hardware support for loopback. This tells NDIS to manage loopback for the driver, which cannot provide software loopback code as efficient as the NDIS library’s because NDIS manages all binding-specific information for miniports. Any miniport that tries to provide software loopback must check the destination address of every send packet against the currently set filter addresses to determine whether to loop back each packet. WAN NIC drivers must set this flag.

If the NIC driver sets the NDIS_MAC_OPTION_FULL_DUPLEX flag, the NDIS library serializes calls to the MiniportSendPackets or Miniport(Wan)Send function separately from its serialized calls to other MiniportXxx functions in SMP machines. However, NDIS returns incoming send packets to protocols while such a driver’s MiniportReset function is executing: that is, NDIS never calls a full-duplex miniport to transmit a packet until its reset operation is completed. The designer of any full-duplex driver can expect that driver to achieve significantly higher performance in SMP machines, but the driver must synchronize its accesses to shared resources carefully to prevent race conditions or deadlocks from occurring. NDIS assumes that all intermediate drivers are full-duplex drivers. 

Depending on the NdisMediumXxx that MiniportInitialize selected, NDIS submits additional intialization-time requests to MiniportQueryInformation, such as the following:


If the driver’s MiniportInitialize function selected an NdisMediumXxx for which the system supplies a filter, NDIS calls MiniportQueryInformation to return the NIC’s current address in medium-specific format. For FDDI drivers, NDIS requests both long and short current addresses.


For Ethernet drivers, NDIS requests the multicast list size.


For FDDI drivers, NDIS requests the multicast list sizes.


If possible, MiniportQueryInformation should not return NDIS_STATUS_PENDING for initialization-time requests. Until NDIS has sufficient information to set up bindings to the miniport, such requests should be handled synchronously.

Subsequently, the NDIS library intercepts all protocol-initiated queries on certain OIDs, such as the following:


For more information about the system-defined OIDs, see Chapter 5.

If MiniportQueryInformation does not complete a request synchronously and returns NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, the driver must complete the request later with a call to NdisMQueryInformationComplete. Until it completes any such request, the miniport can safely access the memory at InformationBuffer, BytesWritten, and BytesNeeded. After the miniport completes any query, ownership of these variables and the buffer reverts to NDIS or the caller of NdisRequest, whichever allocated the memory.

After a call to MiniportQueryInformation, NDIS submits no other requests to the driver until it has completed the current request, either synchronously or asynchronously. Instead, NDIS holds requests queued until the current query is completed.

MiniportQueryInformation can be pre-empted by an interrupt.

By default, MiniportQueryInformation runs at IRQL DISPATCH_LEVEL.

See Also

MiniportInitialize, MiniportSetInformation, NdisMQueryInformationComplete, NdisRequest, NDIS_REQUEST