Update INI Fields Section

The Update INI Fields section replaces, adds, and deletes fields in the value of an INI entry. Unlike an Update INI File section, this type of section replaces, adds, or deletes portions of a value in an INI file entry rather than the whole value. The section name, update-inifields-section-name, must appear in the UpdateIniFields item in an Install section of the INF file.








Name of the INI file containing the entry to change.


Name of the INI file section containing the entry to change.


Name of the entry to change.


Field value to delete.


Field value to add, if it does not exist.


Specifies whether to treat the old-field and new-field arguments as if they have a wild card character or not and which separator character to use when appending a new field to an INI file entry. The flags argument can be any of the following values:

Bit Value Meaning
0 0 (Default) Treat the “*” character literally when matching fields and not as a wild card character.
0 1 Treat the “*” character as a wild card character when matching fields.
1 0 (Default) Use a blank (“ ”) as a separator when adding a new field to an entry.
1 1 Use a comma (“,”) as a separator when adding a new field to an entry.

Any comments in the INI file line are removed because they might not be applicable after changes. When looking for fields in the line in the INI file, spaces, tabs, and commas are used as field delimiters. However, a space is used as the separator when the new field is appended to the line.