IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportHandle,
IN ULONG SlotNumber,
NdisMPciAssignResources returns a list of bus-relative hardware resources, such as IRQ, I/O ports, and device memory ranges, claimed in the registry for a PCI NIC.
Specifies the MiniportAdapterHandle passed in to MiniportInitialize and to most other MiniportXxx functions.
Specifies the slot number of the driver’s NIC on the PCI bus.
Points to a caller-supplied variable in which this function returns a pointer to a list of the hardware resources the NIC can use.
Return Value
NdisMPciAssignResources returns NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS.
NdisMPciAssignResources claims a set of hardware resources in the registry for a miniport’s PCI NIC to use, thereby preventing conflicting claims on the same resources from other devices in the machine.
The buffer specified at AssignedResources is formatted as an NDIS_RESOURCE_LIST, which is equivalent to the CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST on Windows NT platforms. See the Kernel-Mode Driver Reference for details of this structure.
The bus-relative configuration parameters returned in this buffer can be used in the MiniportInitialize function’s subsequent calls to NdisXxx functions such as NdisMRegisterInterrupt, NdisMMapIoSpace, and/or NdisMRegisterIoPortRange.
Callers of NdisMPciAssignResources run at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL.
See Also
MiniportInitialize, NdisImmediateReadPciSlotInformation, NdisMMapIoSpace, NdisMRegisterInterrupt, NdisMRegisterIoPortRange, NdisReadPciSlotInformation