5.3.2  Registering as a WAN Miniport

A WAN NIC driver identifies itself as a WAN miniport when it registers itself. When the miniport registers with NDIS in its DriverEntry function by calling NdisMRegisterMiniport, it indicates that it requires WAN services by setting the flag NDIS_USE_WAN_WRAPPER in the Reserved member of the NDIS_WAN_MINIPORT_CHARACTERISTICS structure.

Following execution of the DriverEntry function and after MiniportInitialize has completed the initialization of one or more adapters, the NDISWAN driver calls the WAN miniport’s MiniportQueryInformation function, with an OID_WAN_GET_INFO request. A miniport that is TAPI-capable should set the TAPI_PROVIDER bit of the FramingBits member of the NDIS_WAN_INFO structure passed into this call. This lets the miniport receive the TAPI OIDs necessary to set up, use, and tear down TAPI connections.

A WAN miniport that provides its own framing should set the PASS_THROUGH_MODE bit. If this bit is set, NDISWAN passes frames, uninterpreted and unmodified.