8.3 NIC Detection Usage

This describes the usage model for the components used in detecting network adapters .

Primary NIC Installation

The initial setup detection process occurs once, during primary system installation. This process attempts to locate one instance of a known NIC. When this instance is located, the process ends.

This process is the primary objective of the Windows NT NIC-detection software. The results of this process determine subsequent recommendations made to the user.

The user interface allows the user to bypass initial detection, because this method can eliminate a possible halt or failure, particularly on an ISA bus machine.

Secondary NIC Installation

Any time a NIC is installed, either during main or OEM installation, the secondary detection processes are used to confirm proper installation. These secondary detection processes include configuration querying, configuration verification, and resource validation. Configuration querying presents the user with the current card settings. The configuration verification ensures the NIC can accept user selections. Resource validation ensures that the IRQ and other critical hardware configuration parameters do not conflict with other devices in the same computer.