typedef struct _TDI_ADDRESS_INFO {

ULONG ActivityCount;



TDI_ADDRESS_INFO defines the structure of the information returned for a TDI_QUERY_INFORMATION request in which the IrpSp->Parameters.QueryType is set to TDI_QUERY_ADDRESS_INFO.



Specifies the number of kernel-mode clients that currently have open file objects representing the given transport address.


Specifies a TRANSPORT_ADDRESS structure containing the transport address associated with a particular open file object.


Each client process that calls ZwCreateFile successfully to open a particular transport address is given a handle to its own file object representing that address. Thus, a single transport address can have many associated file objects at any particular time.

Any kernel-mode client that has opened a particular transport address can make a query to determine how many other clients are currently using the same transport address. Such a client sets up an IRP with TdiBuildQueryInformation, passing in the QType TDI_QUERY_ADDRESS_INFO, and submits the IRP to the underlying transport to get this information.

TDI_ADDRESS_INFO defines the format in which the transport returns the requested information for such a query.

See Also

TdiBuildQueryInformation, TdiDispatchInternalDeviceControl, TDI_QUERY_INFORMATION, TRANSPORT_ADDRESS