A.2.3.2  Functions Called by the Full NIC Driver

The NIC driver calls a number of NDIS interface library functions for assistance in processing. Table A.2.4 defines the main library functions.

Table A.2.4    NIC Driver Functions

Function Definition
NdisCompleteCloseAdapter Forwards NIC close data to ProtocolCloseAdapterComplete.
NdisCompleteOpenAdapter Forwards NIC open data to ProtocolOpenAdapterComplete.
NdisCompleteQueryStatistics Performs postprocessing for asynchronous completion of a MacQueryGlobalStatistics operation.
NdisCompleteRequest Forwards request information to ProtocolRequestComplete.
NdisCompleteReset Forwards reset information to ProtocolResetComplete.
NdisCompleteSend Forwards send data to ProtocolSendComplete.
NdisCompleteTransferData Forwards information about a data transfer to ProtocolTransferDataComplete.
NdisDeregisterAdapter Terminates the registration of a network interface card with the NDIS interface library.
NdisDeregisterAdapter ShutdownHandler Removes a registered MacShutdown function.
NdisDeregisterMac Removes the NIC driver.
NdisIndicateReceive Forwards a receive indication to ProtocolReceive.
NdisIndicateReceiveComplete Forwards a receive complete indication to ProtocolReceiveComplete.
NdisIndicateStatus Forwards an indication of changes in network card status to ProtocolStatus.
NdisIndicateStatusComplete Forwards a status complete indication to ProtocolStatusComplete.
NdisInitializeWrapper Initializes data structures that the wrapper associates with the NIC driver.
NdisMapFile Associates a virtual address with an opened file so the NIC driver can access file contents.
NdisOpenFile Opens a disk file, typically one the NIC driver will download to an intelligent network card.
NdisRegisterAdapter Registers each network interface card that the NIC driver supports with the wrapper.
NdisRegisterAdapterShutdown Handler Registers MacShutdown with the operating system so the system can call the function later when it shuts down.
NdisRegisterMac Provides the wrapper with NIC driver information.
NdisTerminateWrapper Completes NIC driver removal from the wrapper connection.
NdisUnmapFile Disassociates a virtual address from a file previously mapped by NdisMapFile.
NdisWriteErrorLogEntry Writes to an I/O error log.