A.2.3.13 Noninterlocked List Manipulation Functions
Table A.2.16 defines the NDIS interface library non-interlocked list manipulation functions that the driver must protect with a spin lock. These functions are actually macros that use a LIST_ENTRY structure. They do not interlock operations with spin locks.
Table A.2.16 Noninterlocked List Manipulation Functions
Function | Definition |
InitializeListHead | Initializes a linked list head structure. |
InsertHeadList | Inserts a structure at the head of a linked list. |
InsertTailList | Inserts a structure at the tail of a linked list. |
IsListEmpty | Determines if a linked list is empty. |
RemoveEntryList | Removes a structure from a linked list. |
RemoveHeadList | Removes a structure from the head of a linked list. |